Thursday, November 25, 2010

Trufettes De France In Canada

Sony PMW-F3: Super 35, super price?

In early November, Sony has finally revealed the details of the new camcorder promised last NAB in Las Vegas. In coming to market in February 2011, will be called PMW-F3 and will go on sale in due kit distinti: senza ottiche ( PMWF3L alla modica cifra di $16.000) e con tre ottiche - 35 mm, 50mm e 85mm con attacco PL ( PMWF3K , a $23.000).

Spaventati? Io un po' deluso, lo ammetto, speravo in un prezzo più basso, visto che la concorrente Panasonic, la AG-AF101 , pur con caratteristiche inferiori in termini di sensore e di codec adottati, costa meno della metà.
Per capire cosa offre Sony in cambio, ecco il video ufficiale di presentazione e un cortometraggio dimostrativo.

Sony PMW-F3 launch promo from Mike Saunders on Vimeo .

Convergence - Short Film shot on Sony PMW-F3 from Martin Scanlan on Vimeo .

The sensor is Super 35mm (comparable in size to ODA-C Canon EOS 7D), the media have used the SxS XDCAM EX series, as well as the codec used, 35 Mb / s. Compression format as sincerely, as the XDCAM EX is valid, I would have expected something more, maybe a XDCAM HD at 50Mb / s with 4:2:2 color sampling. Those who want more, however, can use the HD-SDI output and record to third parties, such as Ki Mini Pro AJA or Convergent NanoFlash. Compared
sensors used on the SLR, the advantage of this is that Exmore Super35 is designed specifically for 1080p, and has very large pixels, which should give good results in terms of sensitivity to light, were eliminated also side effects such as aliasing and moiré reduced the problem of rolling shutter.

The optics are provided for those with PL mount film, but should also be made available adapters for optical cameras.
Obviously, as a camcorder to all intents and purposes, is complete from the point of view of the audio recording.

Sony also showed a prototype version of NXCAM F3, which should cost less and ask the stessa fascia della AG-AF101. Il codec adottato sarà l'AVCHD, ma il sensore dovrebbe restare lo stesso Super35 EXMOR della sorella maggiore, staremo a vedere.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Aluminum Versus Plastic Jon Boats

Advanced Diction and Expressive Reading Course Free

COURSE diction and expressive reading

conducted by Gianluca Iadecòla

via Pennacchi, 19

from April 4 to June 6, 2011

10 meetings weekly,

Monday evenings from 20:30 to 22:30.

The first two meetings

April 4 to 11

sono gratuiti

Prenotazioni :

La parola è relazione. La voce è il mezzo con cui la parola viene espressa; con essa si può discorrere, esporre, convincere, insegnare, sedurre, insomma ci permette tutte le attività di correlazione del vivere quotidiano. Essere coscienti del proprio strumento voce è quindi migliorare le proprie capacità comunicative e di relazione .

Il Corso di Dizione e Lettura Espressiva è rivolto a tutti , ragazzi ed adulti, che per motivi professionali o per semplice piacere sentono il bisogno di imparare a parlare con una corretta pronuncia ed articolazione , e a saper leggere in modo accattivante .

Può essere utile a coloro che devono parlare o leggere per un pubblico o in pubblico - genitori, studenti, insegnanti, docenti, personale al pubblico, religiosi, manager, avvocati, medici, politici, guide turistiche, rappresentanti, speaker, cantanti, etc ... - Or for people who want to pursue a path of self-awareness. Knowing your voice as an instrument to help achieve a safer , it is useful to ccrescere their listening skills, improves the perception of the hidden meanings behind the words is not expressed.
The course is intended as a place where you can get some improvements, although important, in diction and reading; will be provided with the knowledge and tools to carry learning, practicing and studying on their own. Because to get good results, lasting, it needs constant practice. In this connection will be provided handouts and educational materials.

Work phases
- anatomy and physiology of the voice organs of speech and how they work
- body relaxation aimed at restoring the breathing diaphragm
- exercises to correct breathing and speech production
- elements of nonverbal
- recognition of some problems: high voices, shrill, sibilant, weak, monotonous, singsong, etc ...
- expansion of the volume
- six expressive elements of voice, tone, volume, color, tempo, biting
- the links
- study of the rules of contemporary Italian diction neutral
- correction of vernacular cadences
- expressive reading

Objectives: improve pronunciation and articulation, you can choose to speak Italian or dialect, and strengthen the instrument voice, improve their ability to read aloud and speak in public.

Number of participants: The course has a number closed, maximum 12 participants.

Duration: 10 meetings of two hours each every week.

Certificate: Those who attend at least 75% of the course will receive a certificate of attendance.

at : The course is held in the halls of the Villa Comunale Municipal Library being Pennacchi, 19. Click here to see where and how to get there.

Cost: € 210 per person for the entire course, payable in two or more installments. For new members + € 20 per annual registration and insurance.

A small facility : The public school teachers of all levels enjoy 10% discount, students of all levels and the registered unemployed to the placement of at least 6 months 15% discount.

Info and reservations: or call 338.9319.895

Thursday, November 18, 2010

When To Test For Hodgkin's

The challenge ... in 7D!

La mia ultima "fatica" con la Canon EOS 7D , uno spot pubblicitario per la Libera Università LUSPIO andato in onda su MTV. Girato tutto a 50 fps per ottenere uno slow motion fluido che dilatasse al massimo i tempi. Troupe ultraleggera e tempi di consegna record, per la soddisfazione di tutti, cliente e compagni d'avventura.

L'attrezzatura impiegata:
camera: Canon EOS 7D
ottiche: Nikon 50mm 1.4, Nikon 180mm 2.8, Sigma 18-50mm 2.8, Tokina 11-16mm 2.8
Crane: Glidecam Camcrane
200 Tripod: Vinten Pro Touch
Cavision matte box
post: Final Cut Pro 7

produced by Salehi Consulting (production Executive Annamaria Fiandanese)
direction, photography and installation by Marco Gandolfo

Monday, November 15, 2010

Invitation Letter To Cousin

Diction Children


free courses for Young Diction

from January 24 to February 28, 2011
6 meetings weekly on Mondays
from 16 to 18

The Biblioteca Comunale Villa Urbani promote, in collaboration with the 'Association The Rhino, the first edition of the Course in Pronunciation: The word that wins .
The course is free and is open to 20 students in the last three years of high school , and aims to provide students with the techniques to acquire a correct and modern diction, dialect-free and well articulated.

The lessons are divided into phases theory and practice in which participants will be introduced to the rules and basic techniques of speech and expression:
- breathing techniques and articulation
- use of resonators main
- rules of contemporary Italian diction neutral
- cadences or correction of speech defects
- and to read and speak in a public

The Department of Culture of the Municipality of Perugia release participants with a certificate of participation in the granting of credits for work performed.

Course location: Biblioteca Comunale Villa Urbani, via Pennacchi, 19 - Perugia.

Info and Registration
Cultural Association The Rhino
mail: - \u200b\u200bcell: 392.6019507

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Vespabirthday Invitation

2.0 Quartu S. Elena November 12

Venerdì 12 Novembre 2010 - Ore 17,00

Quartu Sant’Elena – Viale Colombo 169/D

Aula Magna Università della Terza Età

Presentazione libro e incontro di dibattito

Federalismo: Scenari attuali e prospettive di sviluppo in Europa, Italia e Sardegna

L'incontro inizierà con una breve relazione sulla teoria del federalismo e dei suoi risvolti locali e internazionali svolta da Valentina Usai - Secretary of the Political Section of Cagliari and member of the Central Committee of the European Federalist Movement ( )

The presentation of the book "Europe 2.0 - Prospects and developments in the European dream", published in May 2010 published by Shadows Court which is a collective volume edited by Simon and Nicola Vallinoto Vannuccini, with a foreword by Alessandro Cavalli (Pavia University) and an afterword by Daniel Cohn Bendit (MEP).

The presentation will be conducted by Antonio Uda (former Secretary General FNP CISL) from one of the curators Vallinoto Nicola (Director of the European Federalist Movement and a member of the Council of the Word Federalist Movement) e da Franco Uda (Presidente regionale ARCI Sardegna e componente della Presidenza nazionale) .

Seguirà il dibattito con domande dal pubblico e interventi di associazioni della società civile.

In occasione dell’evento sarà distribuito materiale informativo sul federalismo e sul Processo d'integrazione europea e sarà possibile acquistare il libro presentato

Inventory Turnover Templates

Movie stars compared

I found on Youtube the full incorporation of the two meetings I attended this summer at the Meeting in Rimini. The first, "The cinema and its stars " collects the testimonies of Alatri D'Alessandro and Christopher Newman (sound engineer, with Oscar-winning "Amadeus," "The English Patient," "The Exorcist"). The second, "The new frontiers of cinema ", compares Salvatore Petrosino (Director of the Department of Film and Animation School of Visual Arts in New York) and Mauro Uzzeo (Creative Director Responsible Department Rainbow CGI) on the topic of digital animation.

Friday, November 5, 2010

What Do Put On After Brazilian Wax

Canon EOS Movie plugin 1.1

I had "lost" the last update of the Canon EOS Movie Plugin, now in version 1.1. Among the declared
- extends the compatibility to the new 60D
- exploits multicore more to improve the speed of transcoding

You can download it here , selecting "Mac OS" between operating systems.
be tried as soon as possible ...