Thursday, September 16, 2010

Automatic Soap Dispenser Commemts

AF101-AG: parade in Bologna

Panasonic Adcom and Italy have organized a day of presentation of the new AG-AF101 where you can also see an almost final version of the camcorder, set for release next December.

The new model stands as the openly antagonistic HDSLR cameras that have delighted (and sometimes angry) negli ultimi 2 anni. A grandi linee il passo sembrava quasi scontato: metti sensore ed ottiche fotografiche su un corpo da videocamera, magari con connessioni audio e video adeguate, timecode, monitor LCD inclinabile, ed il gioco è fatto. In realtà lo stesso sensore MOS utilizzato è stato ripensato appositamente per le immagini in movimento, cercando di minimizzare i difetti principali riscontrati sulle HDSLR: effetto Moiré (interferenza nelle aree troppo dettagliate) e rolling shutter (linee che diventano oblique nelle panoramiche veloci, ad esempio). L'impiego poi di schede SD, SDHC e SDXC con file system diverso dal FAT32 consente inoltre di superare il limite dei 12 minuti presente sulle HDSLR, dando finally able to record several hours, depending on card capacity (currently 32 GB and 64, but in theory the SDXC may be up to 2TB). The codec chosen is the ' AVCHD (up to 24 Mb / s) for reasons of economy, but you can always record a higher quality (perhaps with 4:2:2) using the HD-SDI output . The variable frame rates (to obtain Smoothly slow motion) is finally available in full 1080p definition (so far, the cameras allow it only in "HD-ready 720p).
The presence of a stabilizer or a motorized zoom, of course, depends on optics that you choose to use and not the camera.
To those who would prefer a full frame sensor, Panasonic responds by saying that the Micro Four Thirds system is what ensures compatibility with almost all existing manual lens (Nikon F, Canon EOS, Leica, etc ...) through simple mechanical adjustments. The problem remains that the crop factor of 2 (50mm perspective is equivalent to 100mm in 35mm format) can be detrimental especially on wide angle lenses. The depth of field you get is somewhat similar to that of Canon's APS-C sensor as the 7D and the 550D is very interesting when compared to flat images obtained from sensors with 1 / 3 " but obviously less "exaggerated" than that achievable with the full frame of the 5D MKII.
short, it is hoped that the houses competing sfornino something even better in the coming months, but the fact remains that the passage marked by Panasonic is one of the important ones and AF101-AG will certainly satisfy the needs of many filmmakers, documentary filmmakers in the head (possibly the category far more penalized by the limits of HDSLR).


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