Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mena Suvari Brazilian

European identity and cultural diversity for Europe

Anticipating the collective volume "Europe 2.0 perspectives and developments in the European dream", short shadows, Verona, May 2010. From Chapter

European identity and cultural diversity
Luciana Castellina *

I think you will agree when I say that if we continue to have speranze e dunque progetti in grado di dar loro corso – e non abbatterci di fronte al presente che si delinea all’alba del 2010 – bisogna partire da una impietosa disanima dei fatti, fugando quanto di peggio c’è stato, e continua ad esserci, a danno dell’Europa: l’insipida e pericolosa retorica con cui si è cercato di eludere ogni concreta valutazione di quanto è accaduto, o non è accaduto, da quando, ormai più di cinquant’anni fa, fu firmato il Trattato di Roma.

E allora debbo dirvi – scusate se parlo in prima persona, ma si è più sinceri – che a parlare di Europa provo oggi imbarazzo. Perché il declino dell’Unione che abbiamo contribuito to make clear is given, even exponentially. Needless to ignore it. In recent years it has become commonplace to see the European Union irrelevant, or worse, insignificant.

Just go to the elite universities arose like mushrooms in the Gulf region, for example, or in completely different arenas, such as the Social Forum of the continents and not to mention non-Western United States, where Europe have not never had it in a footnote, even when it had much more: wherever it comes from Asia, Latin America, even Africa. Europe, for his alleged role, do not even want to hear. Even the 'hateful' America, Obama, has reappeared dynamic and has returned to the United States to turn a hopeful sympathy (perhaps due to the increasing weakness of the 'Empire' American weaknesses, you know, are tolerated more than strong enough to be arrogant).

is also true for the cinema: the films now come to us from that country and attempted genocide of our cultures occupying 80 per cent of the European audiovisual market today are more painful, more acceptable. There is almost gone the will to fight the invasion, but as we have done with ferocity in the European Parliament and with associations of European films, especially since the eighties.

[...] Continua nel libro "Europa 2.0 Prospettive ed evoluzioni del sogno europeo"

* LUCIANA CASTELLINA, giornalista. Presidente del quotidiano Membro della Fondazione Basso, dell’Arci e dell’Ucca. Ha diretto i settimanali “Liberazione”, “Nuova Generazione”, “Pace e Guerra” e il quotidiano “Il Manifesto”. Eletta per numerose legislature alla Camera dei Deputati e al Parlamento Europeo. Già coordinatrice della European Nuclear Desarmement. Fra le pubblicazioni: Cinquant’anni d’Europa (Utet, 2007), Eurollywood (Ets, 2009). Siti:;

Friday, April 23, 2010

How To Use Ladies Napkin

utopia senile

Anticipazione dal collective volume "Europe 2.0 perspectives and developments in the European dream", short shadows, Verona, May 2010. From Chapter

senile utopia for Europe
of Franco Berardi (Bifo)

is inevitable that in the coming years, due to the strategic defeat that the military and the Bush presidency has political bequeathed to the entire West, and even more chaotic due to the economic downturn that followed the collapse of September 2008, is redefining the nature of the EU, but the European imagination seems stuck.

The political construction of Europe is called a democracy.

The will of the people expressed through elections, the effect is very limited in terms of social and political choices and economic fundamentals. The important decisions do not pass through the parliamentary debate. The Board decided that actually is the central bank, reflecting the financial interests of the class. From the economic point of view the history of European integration may seem - and indeed it is - a success story, but whatever the outcome of the crisis in financial terms, the recession has set in motion a process of modernization and de-redistribution economic power at the global level.

A predictable outcome of this process will be un ridimensionamento della potenza europea e di quella nordamericana nel contesto globale. La disoccupazione è destinata a crescere, il lavoro a precarizzarsi, l’immigrazione preme inarrestabilmente. Sempre più realistico uno scenario oscuro: una spirale di violenza, di guerra civile interetnica, di sgretolamento delle strutture pubbliche della vita civile. Solo se sarà capace di rimettere in discussione le basi culturali, estetiche e biopolitiche della sua identità (o meglio: della sua auto-identificazione) il processo europeo potrà evitare un esito simile, e inventare qualcosa di nuovo e di adeguato alla complessità del presente, qualcosa che possa valere come ragion d’essere d’Europa.

A questo tema I dedicate the brief notes that follow.

[...] Read the book "Europe 2.0 perspectives and developments in the European dream". Posted by Simon and Nicola Vallinoto Vannuccini, short shadows, Verona, May 2010.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cute 2nd Birthday Invite

Europe precarious new forms of work: movements surplace

Anticipating the collective volume "Europe 2.0 perspectives and developments in the European dream " shadow court, Verona 2010.

by Chapter:
Europe new forms of precarious employment: Movements surplace

Joseph Allegri

Abstract In this brief note we start from a reflection on the unsolved problems of the last decade of
Continental institutional transformation:
European ruling class unable to provide adequate response to the new social question
and fragmentary instances advanced by the new social movements
so. The setback which insists on the integration process
Community is still the difficulty of imagining a new social pact
Continental up to the expectations of a decent life
for those who have chosen this continent as their
existential space. You should share the ability to think and practice
unusual alliances between new forms of democratic participation
affirmation of a new pan-European Welfare
active social citizenship, and in this sense should go efforts movements
associations, networks that accept the local and European level to reconsider
instruments of social regulation. The institutional transformations Community el'irrisolta
European social issue.

paraphrase the titles of two now classic research and investigation
of the late nineties, we could say that in Europe already in the last decade of the millennium
the "future of work" was "beyond employment" traditional
and produced "personal consequences" that could
criticized the spirit "of the new capitalism" (Supiot 1999, Sennett 1999).

In what part of this century marks the twentieth anniversary of the turning point of the global neo-liberal duo Thatcher-Reagan, while the EU has embarked on a tortuous, unpredictable process of constitutionalization of its order. Against 'deadly embrace "globalization turbo-Atlantic, the EU integration was trying to play the European alternative like wedge of legal regulation, greater aspiration to social equity and to multilateralism in global relations (Hutton, 2002).

[...] Read the book "Europe 2.0 perspectives and developments in the European dream . Posted by Simon and Nicola Vallinoto Vannuccini, short shadows, Verona 2010.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Nadine Jansen Newest Pic

Europa e democrazia partecipativa: dagli attuali limiti alle opportunità per il futuro

John Allegretti

Anticipating the collective volume "Europe 2.0 perspectives and developments in the European dream", short shadows, Verona 2010.

To have a "vision of Europe" a more lively it is often necessary to resort to the external looks, or the mirror that will help us to perceive trends that uniform - in the microanalysis of the many differences that cross - risk of capture. Listen to those who contemplate from outside Europe or (even more) those who enter or work to live while maintaining strong contacts with other continents is therefore a useful exercise in humility and self-reflection, especially when tocca temi che ci appassionano e mettono in moto in noi sentimenti ed emozioni forti che rischierebbero di annebbiarci la vista.

Nell’ultimo decennio, tra questi temi, ne è emerso uno in particolare che – pur non assumendo le sue forme più radicali nel vecchio continente – ha permesso all’Europa di acquistare un ruolo interessante di “vettore d’innovazione” nel panorama mondiale delle pratiche di gestione del territorio. Si tratta del tema della “democrazia partecipativa”, ossia di quell’insieme di processi di costruzione delle politiche pubbliche che offrono a tutti i cittadini spazi aperti per contribuire attivamente alla loro concezione e/o gestione, a partire da un riconoscimento del valore che l’abitare e l’impegno a partecipare di chi abita riveste per la vita sociale, economica, politica e culturale di un territorio locale o di area vasta.

L’organizzazione per cui lavoro da quattro anni – il Centro di Studi Sociali dell’Università di Coimbra – da oltre un decennio ha cominciato ad investire in attività di ricerca-azione sul tema, a partire dalla posizione “semi-periferica” del Portogallo nel continente europeo, e dai “vantaggi comparativi” che questa offre per costruire ponti e relazioni maggiormente simmetriche con società e paesi del Sud del pianeta. Questo ha permesso di dar forma a percorsi di lettura del tema nella sua declinazione europea that are enriched with different looks and points of view,
complementary and - sometimes - even in the tension between them.

This paper - look at those limiting the practice of "participation" that fail to make contact with the institutions and formalized, becoming part of their administrative action - aims to recover an "eccentric gaze" on the old continent. The goal is to try to highlight opportunities, challenges and limits of some road testing today seek to renew democratic ways of doing politics will be at a side of local residents in an attempt to stem the crisis of legitimacy that affects institutions the continent.

[...] Read the book Europe 2.0 perspectives and developments in the European dream. Posted by Simon and Nicola Vallinoto Vannuccini, short shadows, Verona 2010.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Joe D'amato Streaming

NAB Show 2010: What's new Incoming

It 'going on these days (12-15 April) in the Las Vegas NAB Show , so here is a summary of the new offerings, at least for the products of interest from the standpoint of independent filmmakers.

The lion's share this year is the Panasonic, with a great message for all: a year-end camera will be available the first micro 4 / 3 "(the size of sensor used on the last generation of Lumix SLR) model AF101-AG, which will record on SDHC cards and SDXC AVCHD a 24 Mb/s; è la direzione che tutti speravano dopo il successo delle fotocamere HDSLR: un camcorder con ottiche fotografiche e sensore di grandi dimensioni (con conseguenti vantaggi in termini di luminosità e di profondità di campo), ma con ergonomia e caratteristiche proprie di una videocamera. Speriamo a questo punto che anche Canon (finora regina dell'HDSLR) raccolga la sfida. L'altro importante passo di Panasonic è nel campo della stereoscopia: è possibile prenotare (al prezzo finale di "soli" 16.800 euro + iva) il modello AG-3DA1 , un camcorder compatto dotato di 2 ottiche in grado di effettuare riprese in 3D, senza dover ricorrere a rig e all'uso contemporaneo di 2 videocamere; in teoria una bella semplificazione, we will see the results. Panasonic also introduced the AG-HPX371 camcorder spallari and AG-HMC81 , interesting products (especially the first), but not revolutionary like the previous product announcements.

And the competition? Continue on the Sony XDCAM EX camcorder with a new shoulder, PMW-320K, with technical (but not aesthetic) quite similar to the PMW-EX3, at least at first glance, Sony also presented a younger sister of the recently-HXR NX5, called HXR-MC50E , ultra-compact.

GY-HM790 however, is the symbol of the new model unveiled by JVC, in fact, a revamped version of the GY-HM700, designed for use in television studios as well as for ENG, with both output uncompressed 4:2:2 HD-SDI.

and Canon? I have no news about when the products shown at NAB, but then just a month ago he announced two new camcorders XF305 and XF300 with good news from the perspective of the codec used (style XDCAM HD, even at 50 Mb / s 4:2:2, Compact Flash cards), a little 'frankly disappointing from the standpoint of optical sensors (especially when compared with those of Canon products HDSLR).
A note: where's the tape? HDV?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

How To Respond To Employment Rejection Letter


If you are running around Manhattan, you hold the 7D and meetings of the dancers breakdance what else can you do if non metterti a riprenderli a 50fps, prima che una voce ti ricordi che sei in vacanza e non al lavoro? Buona Pasqua!

Breakdancers in Manhattan (Canon 7D test video) from Marco Gandolfo on Vimeo .