Friday, April 23, 2010

How To Use Ladies Napkin

utopia senile

Anticipazione dal collective volume "Europe 2.0 perspectives and developments in the European dream", short shadows, Verona, May 2010. From Chapter

senile utopia for Europe
of Franco Berardi (Bifo)

is inevitable that in the coming years, due to the strategic defeat that the military and the Bush presidency has political bequeathed to the entire West, and even more chaotic due to the economic downturn that followed the collapse of September 2008, is redefining the nature of the EU, but the European imagination seems stuck.

The political construction of Europe is called a democracy.

The will of the people expressed through elections, the effect is very limited in terms of social and political choices and economic fundamentals. The important decisions do not pass through the parliamentary debate. The Board decided that actually is the central bank, reflecting the financial interests of the class. From the economic point of view the history of European integration may seem - and indeed it is - a success story, but whatever the outcome of the crisis in financial terms, the recession has set in motion a process of modernization and de-redistribution economic power at the global level.

A predictable outcome of this process will be un ridimensionamento della potenza europea e di quella nordamericana nel contesto globale. La disoccupazione è destinata a crescere, il lavoro a precarizzarsi, l’immigrazione preme inarrestabilmente. Sempre più realistico uno scenario oscuro: una spirale di violenza, di guerra civile interetnica, di sgretolamento delle strutture pubbliche della vita civile. Solo se sarà capace di rimettere in discussione le basi culturali, estetiche e biopolitiche della sua identità (o meglio: della sua auto-identificazione) il processo europeo potrà evitare un esito simile, e inventare qualcosa di nuovo e di adeguato alla complessità del presente, qualcosa che possa valere come ragion d’essere d’Europa.

A questo tema I dedicate the brief notes that follow.

[...] Read the book "Europe 2.0 perspectives and developments in the European dream". Posted by Simon and Nicola Vallinoto Vannuccini, short shadows, Verona, May 2010.


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