Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Atk Engines Problems?

The Charter of Principles for Europe

Anticipating the collective volume "Europe 2.0 perspectives and developments in the European dream," Nicole and Simone Vallinoto Vannuccini (ed.), Shadows Court, Verona, May 2010.

The Charter of Principles for Europe

Franco Russo *

The entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon on 1 December 2009 ended a period of nearly a decade of struggle constituting a European level, open formally by governments with the Declaration on the future of the European Union - emessa dal Consiglio europeo, riunitosi a Laeken il 14 e il 15 dicembre 2001 –, durante il quale si sono confrontate due visioni dell’Unione: quella delle élites di governo, e dei poteri economico-finanziari, e quella dei movimenti sociali per l’altra Europa. Questa fase si conclude, purtroppo, con una nuova vittoria dei governi che continuano nella costruzione dell’Unione europea dall’alto, seguendo il vecchio e sperimentato metodo funzionalistico che pone al centro il mercato e la moneta. Un ciclo è giunto al termine, senza che l’Ue abbia compiuto una sua rifondazione democratica.
Il Social Forum Europeo, nella sua prima edizione del 2002, fu l’occasione per lanciare l’europeismo di sinistra, then taken as a reference point by Florence on 12 and 13 November 2005, which was the most dynamic moment in the development of a Charter of Principles for
Europe. In this House on a collective Florentine wrote the first draft of the Charter, guided by the resolution, the Assembly adopted the European Preparatory in Istanbul in September 2005 that the Charter should not be "mere repetition of the requests of our movements and their policy documents, but aim to "deepen understanding, writing and systematization of the common core of our values \u200b\u200band feelings, shared by millions of people [...] values \u200b\u200band feelings social movements that have led to
Seattle1999 and Genoa 2001. "
The anti-globalization movement did not make the mistakes of the old Left, which - with the exception of limited areas of and socialism - and the challenge-European Schuman, Adenauer and De Gasperi is locked within the confines of the nation state.

The European Social Forum - from Florence to Malmoe - are still the only supra-national public space, where we began to build democratic discursive practices through the "European people", without falling into organismic visions or nature of the demos. The anti-globalization movement has criticized the methods and content of the "Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe "by accepting the constitutional challenge, making it indeed a privileged terrain of struggle to oppose and overthrow the neo-liberal policies. It is endorsed, even implicitly, the words of Bruce Ackerman, since it has grasped the historic period which opened in Laeken, not as a stage of normal politics but as a constituent phase, and has tried to involve extensively the s city \u200b\u200b/ s with their organizations and associations in the development and affirmation of constitutional principles. While the issue of the Constitution is the establishment of a legal order in which they prevail universal rights of people, and that is down from what the organization of the "powers", then it can be argued that the movements have led to a real "struggle for the European constitution." Read the book

Europe 2.0

France Russia, is part of the Charter for another Europe, a network of European Social Forum. Exponent
Forum environmentalist. Participate in the research center and the Internet Transform Roman against the crisis. Former Member of the Italian Constitutional Affairs Committee. He participated in the founding of the Center-imperialist Che Guevara and proletarian democracy. He enlivened the early stages of the Association and organized the Centre Antigone rights and work. Site: www.europe4all.org.


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