Anticipazione dal volume collettivo "Europa 2.0 prospettive ed evoluzioni del sogno European, Nicola and Simon Vallinoto Vannuccini (ed.), short shadows, Verona, May 2010.
The integration of migrants in Europe
Peter Soldini *
The treatment of foreign reveals the characters deeper a political system and the welfare, immigration is a litmus test to understand the level of democracy in a country. Europe, increasingly characterized by a growing "inequality racial "- the result of a different allocation of resources and opportunities between national e stranieri – rischia di pregiudicare il suo grado di civiltà faticosamente raggiunto.
La presente nota si articolerà nel modo seguente: si passeranno in breve rassegna alcuni aspetti del percorso di integrazione che il migrante, giunto in Europa, deve intraprendere per raggiungere una sufficiente integrazione nel paese ospitante. In primo luogo si illustrerà, se esistente, la disciplina comunitaria (trattati, direttive, sentenze delle Corti di Giustizia); a seguire verrà presentata la situazione concreta del migrante in alcuni paesi europei, significant and analyzed by various research institutes . This methodology is almost obligatory since the Community law is limited, almost always, to provide guidance not mandatory, while allowing Member States the legislation more appropriate to their needs quotas.
Even in an area relatively affordable - the discipline social security - the EU has reached only a coordination of different national systems, because the full harmonization is not yet at hand. Lately the only agreement reached by all Member States and effectively acting as its object the defense of external borders, a vision in security-obsessed, underestimating and neglecting the integration policies, which are instead half the better and more far-sighted to give peace and security life both domestic migrants. Read the book
Europe 2.0
La presente nota si articolerà nel modo seguente: si passeranno in breve rassegna alcuni aspetti del percorso di integrazione che il migrante, giunto in Europa, deve intraprendere per raggiungere una sufficiente integrazione nel paese ospitante. In primo luogo si illustrerà, se esistente, la disciplina comunitaria (trattati, direttive, sentenze delle Corti di Giustizia); a seguire verrà presentata la situazione concreta del migrante in alcuni paesi europei, significant and analyzed by various research institutes . This methodology is almost obligatory since the Community law is limited, almost always, to provide guidance not mandatory, while allowing Member States the legislation more appropriate to their needs quotas.
Even in an area relatively affordable - the discipline social security - the EU has reached only a coordination of different national systems, because the full harmonization is not yet at hand. Lately the only agreement reached by all Member States and effectively acting as its object the defense of external borders, a vision in security-obsessed, underestimating and neglecting the integration policies, which are instead half the better and more far-sighted to give peace and security life both domestic migrants. Read the book
Europe 2.0
* PETER Soldini, the head of the national immigration policies of the CGIL. He served as National President of the Italian Federation of Free Time. Among the campaigns promoted by the CGIL "Same blood, same rights" against racism and "Rights without borders." Sites:;
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