Friday, May 28, 2010

Heavy Breathing Eyes Open Unresponsive

Towards a European social model as to meet the risks of the XXI century

Anticipating the collective volume "Europe 2.0 perspectives and developments in the European dream," Nicole and Simone Vallinoto Vannuccini (ed.), Shadows Court, Verona, May 2010.

Towards a European social model as to meet the risks of the XXI century

Grace Borgna *

The neoliberal model of development which led to the American-inspired globalization so far e che ha portato alla crisi globale attuale è stato fallimentare. Non ha reso compatibile lo sviluppo economico con la pace, il rispetto dei diritti sociali e dell‘equilibrio ecologico del pianeta. L’ideologia neoliberista mutuata dagli Usa, fondata sui presunti benefici che deriverebbero dallo smantellamento dello stato sociale va dunque contrastata ricreando un sistema europeo di protezione sociale e di sicurezza articolato ai livelli continentale, nazionale, regionale e locale. Un sistema federale nel quale l’Unione europea (Ue), si assuma le proprie responsabilità in ordine alla promozione, al coordinamento e all’attuazione delle politiche perequative necessarie a realizzare un nuovo “modello sociale europeo” (Mse).

should be noted that follow the pure logic of market self-regulated has led in some cases to confuse modernization with the privatization and ignore that there are services that, if privatized, does not allow you to meet the minimum safety and utility. The environmental and social distortions of this pattern of development, completed without democratic control, are suddenly flowing in a crisis exacerbated global financial and economic catastrophe that without drastic corrective measures, is likely to affect only the weaker sections of the population.
The economic cost, environmental and social impact resulting from the emptying of the rules in place to democratic development has been relevant. The crisis of welfare that resulted, it could become a threat to democracy itself, as the growth of inequality leads to more poverty and exclusion and, consequently, of the conflict. Threatens social cohesion. It would be very unfortunate if at the beginning of the recovery were to be repeated the same system that has led to global financial and economic crisis.
is now recognized by many as the need for a decisive change of course towards a model of global development is supported and guided by a new multipolar world order, a more democratic and flexible framework that allows social integration and collective responsibility. The EU

can and should play a crucial role in this change. Should help to build a new world balance based on the cooperation of all other regions of the world and aims to joint implementation of a development model capable of restoring democratic control over economic decisions, to rectify the current imbalances in social and environmental issues and to show that You can combine economic development and social cohesion, market and social protection, enhancement and support of the person to collective needs. Read the book

Europe 2.0

BORGNA GRACE, director of the Einstein Center for International Studies of Turin. Director of the European Federalist Movement. He promoted the campaign for the election universal suffrage of the European Parliament for the euro and the European Federal Constitution. He edited the volume The European social model in the Constitution (Princeton, 2004). He contributed an essay to the volume's role in the world (Alpine, 2007). Site:


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