Possiamodefinire “I Malavoglia” un romanzo verista. “I Malavoglia” avrebbe dovuto far parte del “ Ciclodei Vinti” nel quale Verga voleva rappresentare i desideri che spingevano moltiuomini a mutare stato, a ostinarsi a voler migliorare le propriecondizioni di vita, insieme a “ Mastrodon Gesualdo ”e altri tre progettati but never written. In Malavoglia vienerappresentata only the struggle for material needs but altriromanzi cycle would have to assume gradually Tallest tones.
MAIN the entire famigliadei Malavoglia submitted directly by the narrator all'iniziodel novel, can be considered the protagonist dellanarrazione. These characters are the embodiment tipologicadella family of fishermen upset by the misfortune of going forward but cercasempre head high, and their psychological depth edata from their own words through speech Direct libero.La family is compared to the fingers of the hand:
PadronNtoni andthe head of household, the eldest; know many proverbs simbolodella popular wisdom. It is a stubborn man who does not rinunciamai to do his duty. He loves the sea and therefore, its mestieredi fisherman. Initially, the narrator describes the character mododettagliato says only that it is a stooped old man, but later, when they get sick, it describes maggioreattenzione, as if through the physical description emerge ancheil psychological and emotional. Societàdel not opposed to the time nor the suffering, the respect with all suecredenze and traditions. His mind from what is in the peaceful primocapitolo change radically in the course of the novel because delledisgrazie that he faces in the last chapters are dealing with a man tired of life, now at Advanced adun'età, just waiting to death.
Bastianazzo is the son diPadron 'Ntoni, is called "big man" but Eun-hearted man and worker. He died still young in Marenello storm where you lost the load of lupins.
LaLonga (Maruzza) diBastianazzo is the wife, the good housewife. Percontribuire is being done to the family budget. Its serenity svaniscecon the premature death of her husband and then to his son Luke, the doloreper these losses are aging prematurely. Èspezzata his life from a severe disease: cholera.
Ntoni is figliomaggiore of Bastianazzo and Maruzza. It's a wise guy, although sometimes too impulsive. Over the years, the work becomes less and less suavoglia, rebels to suacondizione of misery and poverty in a modo insolito: smette dilavorare e va a cercare guai all’osteria e con il contrabbando.Questa vita lo porterà a scontare cinque anni di galera. Dopoessere stato rilasciato, lascia il paese d’origine.
Luca è uno deifigli di Bastianazzo, “un vero Malavoglia”, di buon cuore come ilpadre e giudizioso. Muore prematuramente in guerra.
Mena che lavorava etesseva sempre tanto da essere soprannominata “Sant’Agata”, èuna figlia giudiziosa e riservata. È soprannominata Sant’Agataper its hard work to the frame. After the death of his mother saeducare younger sister Leah, and run the house.
Ledisgrazie and sorrows the very early age: a soliventisei years already seems to be old.
It is very influenced by the society of his time: he decides, in fact, not to marry Alfio Moscow, where he was in love, because that would bring back the talk of the tristesorte sister.
Alessi lafiducia represents the future ; is a good guy, works hard to pull up lafamiglia after the death of his grandfather, father, mother and a runaway 'Ntoni. Fails to redeem the home of the family of Nespolo ericostruisce Malavoglia. Marry a nice girl, Nunziata.
Leah the most piccoladella Malavoglia family. Ends on everyone's lips after his brother ilprocesso and this leaves Aci Trezza. None avràpiù your news. Only Alfio Moscow knows the truth.
SECONDARY: il “secondoprotagonista” del romanzo è l’intero paese, composto dipersonaggi uniti da una stessa cultura ma divisi da antiche rivalità,tipi che parlano e si confondono tra loro creando un effetto coraleche nei primi capitoli quasi disorienta il lettore. La Santuzza ,l’ostessa che simboleggia l’inganno, donMichele ,il brigadiere corrotto, donSilvestro ,il segretario che gestisce come una marionetta il sindaco, AlfioMosca , the Carter resigned to his fate as a worker, Campanadi Wood , a wealthy and avaricious ladies are some of the most important. Alcontrario of what you may think, even the donkey diAlfio Moscow importance in the economy of the novel. Questoanimale is the symbol of the vanquished, that the poor must soltantolavorare to earn a pittance, "donkey meat - borbottava'Ntoni - that's what we are! Meat from work. "
Levice last ten years: 1865, ie three years dopola Thousand expedition of Garibaldi, 1875, in anniimmediatamente subsequent unification of Italy. Delracconto time is not homogeneous: they are frequently the ellipses and spessosono narrated the whole day. The pace is so abbastanzaaccelerato, fragmented and only in some places rallentatoda small reflections and descriptions. The dominant element Ela scene and as a result of the story time and time storiacoincidono. Are essentially absent flashbacks and anticipations. Leindicazioni time related only to eall'alternarsi liturgical feasts of the seasons, typical elements that characterize loscorrere time in peasant culture.
The interoromanzo is set to Aci Trezza, a small paeseabitato mostly by fishermen near Catania. The luoghiesistono only as names without ever becoming the subject of minuziosadescrizione. The village is understood as such unospazio closed unit which hosts the events and his Internova is a kind of scenery down to the typical places: lafarmacia the churchyard , the square (place deipettegolezzi), the tavern loafer of (place of subterfuge) ... The home is the moral and economic center of the family. Ilmari and sky with its "Three Kings" is a living presence epalpabili looking away and the vicissitudes deipersonaggi peaceful.
Ilromanzo tells the story of a family of fishermen, Toscanosoprannominati "Malavoglia, who lives and works in Aci Trezza, unpiccolo town near Catania. The family is known and all rispettatada and can be considered economically wealthy graziesoprattutto the proceeds from the fishing boat called "Providence." Their happy and peaceful existence èsconvolta some facts as the departure of 'Ntoni for ilservizio military a bad year for fishing, necessitàdi prepare a dowry for the eldest daughter. Padron 'Ntoni ritieneopportuno buy on credit a usurer uncle Crucifix caricodi lupins to be transported by boat to sell in a country vicino.Purtroppo ago a storm sank the ship is lost cosìil load, dies Sebastian, son of the chief Ntoni Padron family, husband and father Maruzza five sons: 'Ntoni, Mena, Leah, Luke, Alessi. Everyone starts to pay off the debt deilupini strive for but soon lost during military service nellabattaglia Vis, Luke dies. Destroyed by sorrow, iMalavoglia fail to pay off the debt and so is toltaloro the family home, known as the "House by the medlar tree." Now the whole country sees the evil eye Malavoglia intutti looking for ways to work get the money to marry off their daughters eto regain the House of the Medlar. A multiply fatichearriva cholera which takes away the Longa. Patron Ntoni cosìsolo remains with Alessi and 'Ntoni to support their grandchildren orphaned by the mother, father and beauty. Ntoni, after his military service, you give afrequentare the inn and smuggling, but Customs unaguardia stabbed, goes to prison. The sister Lia ilpaese abandoned and given to prostitution in the city. Ilconseguente dishonor break off the marriage between Mena and compareAlfio. The old 'Ntoni ends his life in hospital. From Alessi ultimoresta so that, after marrying, the Mena aiutodella sister bought the Casa del Nespolo and try the honor of reconstruction distrutto dei Malavoglia continuando ilmestiere del nonno. ‘Ntoni, uscito di prigione, ritorna a casa macapisce di non poter restarvi e si allontana per sempre.
Itemi affrontati nel romanzo sono:
Lalotta per i bisogni fondamentali dell’uomo
Lafatica incessante per ottenere risultati distrutti poi dalledisgrazie.
The attaccamentoalla stuff : it is one of the ideals of the people of Aci Trezza. Robaintendiamo with material goods that the family must have to potervivere dignity, and that the beginning had Malavoglia, queltanto enough to live. They then lost dilupini with that load, the result of speculation implemented by Padron 'Ntoni, that in so doing initiated the disgrace of the family. Inquest juncture the old patriarch has gone against the sueidee, not ever groped fortune, to stand passively by and "just do the job that you know" (he was very attached aiproverbi) and has paid dearly for this. When he learned of tragediasembrava almost desperate for lupins for figlioBastianazzo died at sea.
E'onnisciente so she knows all the facts and often anticipates comenel case of death of young Luke. DelVerga the intent of the novel had to be a "sincere and study passionate "about a community of Sicilian fishermen, then speaking in terzapersona and is external to each other, because we do not have personal alcunintervento by the author in the narrative, not ever SIFA spokesman for the thoughts of the characters, but lets parlareliberamente. Appare come un narratore popolare che condivide il mododi comportarsi, i pregiudizi, la mentalità, la cultura delmondo di cui parla.
Ilromanzo crea l’illusione che a parlare sia il mondo raccontato.Verga applica la formula verista, filtra il racconto attraverso ipensieri e i discorsi dei personaggi; questa è definita latecnica del “discorso rivissuto” che dà come conseguenzaun effetto di vivacità. Viene impiegato un registro informale,popolare tipico della popolazione di Aci Trezza che consiste nell’usodi espressioni dialettali, ripetizioni, proverbi, similitudinipopolari, sayings such as "it seemed there were cattle met the festival of San Alfie, "" looked like a hen when staper to the egg, it seemed we had the devil in their sails "eperiodi short; ilfatto that popular culture is demonstrated by the chef made references to animals 'breeding, the devil comespauracchio collective, with the country with its time and place diritrovo. So we have a regression to the author livelloculturale and expressive of the narrator and characters. Nellasintassi dominate the direct and indirect free speech. Iltempo has an order isochronous: the actions of those scorronoparallele fabula dell'intreccio (F=I). Per quanto riguarda ladurata, visto che in tutto il romanzo prevalgono i dialoghi, èpresente la scena, dove il tempo della storia corrisponde al tempodel discorso (T.S.=T.D.); sono però presenti anche diversedescrizioni (T.S.=O).