Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Make Designs Out Of Jelly Bracelets

Holocaust Memorial Day. Let's remember the January 27, 1945

La scrittrice emiliana Ebe Mirka Bonomi
 CI  ha inviato la testimonianza di  un grande maestro , Giuseppe Selmi che, nei campi di concentramento, durante la seconda guerra mondiale, ha eseguito un concerto spirituale e in uno dei suoi spostamenti,il M.Selmi ebbe modo di stringere amicizia con Gianrico Tedeschi e con Primo Levi entrambi  sopravvissuti  come lui all'orrore de quell'inferno.


So it was in October 1943, in a shack in the camp of Tarnopol (between Kiev and Warsaw) and in one morning about five o'clock, after dozing at best, almost a kind of delirium fever (also caused by the live that moment and in that ever so haunting and hallucinatory), the author awoke with the feeling of having as "played and heard" until a few moments before a concert in a curious and gold species of sound and golden dream. In
mind was still alive the "overview" of the Concert che si svolgeva in un esauribile cantare del violoncello,intercalato da belle Cadenze e con impasti sonori dolcissimi,diremmo celestiali.
Nella eccitazione particolare di quel momento,primo pensiero dell'autore,fu di poter fissare almeno un qualcosa di tanto bel Concerto.Ma la mente umana non è purtroppo come una macchina fotografica! Pur tuttavia l'autore teneva con sè,sotto il proprio "castello di legno" (giaciglio) una piccola valigetta con dentro la "sua vita" (pezzetti di carta anche la più strana e mozziconi di matite con cui fissare note e notine di temi musicali,di abbozzi di studi e pezzi; il tutto come in un allucinante lavoro giornaliero per non far morire d'inedia anche la mente e lo spirito).
And so, in semi-darkness of the cabin at that time still "asleep", writing more letters than to musical notes, notes the author looked for the "construction noise" the most likely close to that "heard "just before.
course work was finished in all musical notes in the days and months that followed (in transcribing multiple copies in tiny little books for fear that large leaves were also requirements in the various raids that occurred during transfer from one camp to another) .
But just before Christmas 1943, S. "Concerto" (now the Spiritual in relation to its birth, its themes e al suo svolgersi) era giù fissato nelle sue linee generali.
La foto sopra a sinistra riproduce uno dei libriccini (contenuto in una mano per dimostrarne la piccola dimensione) dove appunto fu fissato tutto il "Concerto Spirituale".Nel disegno in basso
l'ambiente dove è nato il "Concerto Spirituale"; una baracca con i famosi "castelli".Giuseppe Selmi

Esprimiamo  la nostra infinita gratitudine alla Gentilissima scrittrice per questa toccante testimonianza..


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Slogans Of Iron Defficency Anemia


 ...e trasloco fu.
Ragazze sono distrutta! Non c'e' un muscolo nel mio corpo che non mi faccia male! Però la siddisfazione e' mia cucina nuova è bella da morire! Il resto della casa è stupendo...ora ci vuole ancora un po' di pazienza per sistemare ogni cosa al suo posto...pian piano, con calma si fa tutto!

And now back to us ... and 'a lot' that do not place more than a recipe for risotto! I love risotto, I like to die and I can even reasonably well. Sara 'that equips them when we put all the care and love that I have, I never Out of the frying pan if not for a few moments and continue to stir and stir and stir and mix ... maybe one of the secret lies in this who knows ... '...

This time I had at home to use fresh asparagus, to which I added the bacon into strips that melted in your mouth!

Ingredients for 4:

350 g Carnaroli
500 grams of asparagus
100 grams of bacon (I used the amount I had at home)
70 g butter ½ onion

vegetable broth

Clean the asparagus and cook in boiling salted water. Cut the tips and let them season in fifteen grams of butter for 5 minutes. Keep them aside. In a saucepan, heat 30g of butter with 3 tablespoons of olive oil, let cook the chopped onion, add the bacon cut into strips, and when browned, put the rice, stir, add the asparagus into small pieces and pour in the broth. Gradually add hot broth as you would for a normal risotto. At the end stir in the remaining butter and add the asparagus tips.

I know, the fat you are off in this risotto, but sometimes you can even make an exception to the rule, not!

Pokemon Pregnant Generation

Talents in Short

Si è svolta ieri la fase finale delle selezioni del concorso Talenti in Corto organizzato da Premio Solinas : i tredici finalisti had to submit their project and discuss it with a jury of professionals. Waiting to see what turned into screenplays and short films will be awarded in the coming days you can learn more about the finalists on the internet and hear directly from them telling the stories submitted. Annamaria
Granatello, Artistic Director of the Solinas Prize, reveals all the details in an interview specifically for this blog. Here it is!

Update 10/02/2011: I'm online now the pills first video presentation of the finalists, who will have been the most convincing? You can see here .

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chicken Skin Treatment

Holocaust Memorial Day. Let's remember the January 27, 1945

"Senza memoria nonc’è future. Without the memory and the study of the horrors of cuil'umanità was stained dirivivere risk all the terrible moments of our history. For this reason lamemoria of the Holocaust must remain forever as a warning foreveryone never be reached so that abyss. "
" Not dimenticarel'abisso not forget that hatred and prejudice are causeche have given. "

Asked if the memory is important, comes the reply of the Nobel Prize for Peace, and Buchenvwald Auschiwitz survivor, Elie Wiesel s ccording to which the memory is not just important, it is a duty, the essence man advancing, step by step, through the maze of history, to build hope.
In this abyss of despair and darkness shining history freedom and courage, words of hope shine. Elisa wrote
Springer, survived Auschwitz, in his book - testimony to "the silence of the living"
" Today more than ever, it is necessary that young people know, understand and include: is the only way to hope it is indicated that horror is not repeated, is the only way to get us out of darkness. And then, if my testimony, my story of surviving the death camps, my presence in the heart of those who understand piety, being used to build understanding and love, then I, I can think that, in life, everything what is absurd and horrible, can be served as a ransom for the sacrifice of so many innocent people, love and consolation to those who are alone will be served to build a better world without hate, no barriers.
A world in which free men, able and not slaves of their own intolerance, breaking down the boundaries of selfishness have returned to life and to all other men, the meaning of the word Liberty.
Today I realized that God has allowed me to free myself from the prison of the past, through the pages of this book .

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How To Detect My Built-in Webcam

The other night I surprised my love with this simple dish ... returning from training at ten at night, which her husband would expect a good meal like that?! Ale you're lucky, imprimitelo in huge letters in the foreman! Ahahahaha!

is the first time I cook the leeks too ... this vegetable in Category: "Things I do not like" then, magically, I found out! And I like it! They call it the gentle cousin of garlic and onion, and believe it! It has a delicate flavor.

I found this delicious recipe on the legendary "Silver Spoons."

Serves 4 (I halved the dose):

1000 gr leek (I not)
100 grams of cooked ham

70 g butter 100 grams of Swiss cheese (I have replaced the parmesan )
50 g flour ½ pint of milk

breadcrumbs grated cheese (the recipe does not have it but I I put it) salt & pepper

Remove the green part of leeks, wash cloths and blanch in salted water for 5 minutes (I almost ten). Drain so that you can lose more water. In a pan heat half the butter and let the fat of the ham, leeks Lie down in two coats, let them brown over medium heat, add salt and pepper. Meanwhile prepare the sauce with the remaining butter, flour and milk. At the end of the built-grated cheese while stirring. When the leeks are cooked, turn off, Lie down on the slices of ham and cover with the sauce. Distributed on the surface a few knobs of butter, sprinkle with two tablespoons of grated cheese, a little 'bread crumbs and bake preriscaldatoa 180 ° C for about 10 minutes.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

White Worms In My Cat

HDSLR & Sundance: For a Few Dollars More

Notiziona di oggi: "Il film indipendente Like Crazy è stato venduto alla Paramount per 4 milioni di dollari dopo la proiezione al Sundance Film Festival 2011 . (...) La produzione ha utilizzato una Canon EOS 7D modificata per poter utilizzare ottiche con attacco PL Arri/Zeiss."

E pensare che solo una settimana fa' c'è stato chi mi ha detto: "ma come?!? Usi una reflex invece che girare in pellicola? Il cinema non si gira così..."

Qui trovate il comunicato stampa integrale diffuso dalla Hollywood-DI , l'azienda che ha curato la post-produzione del film.

Aggiornamento del 31-01-2011 : ieri sono stati consegnati i riconoscimenti dell'edizione 2011 del Sundance e il gran premio della giuria (categoria film drammatici USA) è andato proprio a "Like Crazy". Tra i documentari, invece, spazio a "Hell and Back Again” di Danfung Dennis, girato in Afghanistan con una Canon 5D MarkII e vincitore del World Cinema Grand Jury Prize.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Driver Canon Bjc-5100 Sito Americano

Rosso Malpelo - A film by Pasquale Scimeca

Wdding Message Sample


The first test of the novel is realistic Verga Rosso Malpelo, 1878, bitter denunciation of a world of misery and violence but in the same years are gradually acquired all the major "nodes" of the poetics and ideology Verga, in a novel 1879, Reverie, for example, is the first appearance of the so-called "perfect oyster" within a framework that complaint mercilessly detachment and lack of communication between the sophisticated urban world and the primitive world and miserable Mother House campagne.Eccovi the text and analysis of the novel.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Where Can I Buy A Sultan Sandane


There are still falling back ... ... after he posted a myriad recipes in which the protagonist was, I had promised to leave ... at least for a little time, but then the other night, going out shopping and found there in front of beautiful purple and fleshy, I could not resist ... well you still radicchio!

This time I will propose as a flan, I state that, not having the proper molds, I had to settle for a kind of muffins crushed ... this is a message for you, my dear hubby: I need assolutissimamente molds for the flan! Urgent, I can not live without ... ;-)

Ingredients for 6:

Treviso radicchio
2 onions 2 blondes
200 grams of ricotta
3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 2

tablespoons Parmesan cheese 50 g butter 100 g of white wine

1 egg 5 tablespoons breadcrumbs

nutmeg salt & pepper

Peel and finely chop the onions, then stufatele in a saucepan with 20 g of butter when they are transparent, add the radicchio cut into strips and blended with vinegar first and then with wine. Cook gently for 10 minutes and season to taste.

In a bowl with ricotta, parmesan cheese, a pinch of nutmeg and the egg, add the radicchio and mix. Mix with the bread crumbs to make the mixture quite dry (the amount can vary depending on how it is cooked radicchio).

Butter and bread crumbs in the past 6 tins (my sweet love recalls the above, please) and fill up to 1 cm from the edge. Cook in oven at 190 ° C for 20 minutes (the top should be golden). The mold and serve hot accompanied, as desired, with diced tomatoes seasoned with olive oil, salt and basil.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Pokemon Firered Vba Save

September 2, 1840: birth of the writer, "Giovanni Verga" (biography)

Where Can I Play The Slot Machine Bar-x Online?

Possiamodefinire “I Malavoglia” un romanzo verista. “I Malavoglia” avrebbe dovuto far parte del “ Ciclodei Vinti” nel quale Verga voleva rappresentare i desideri che spingevano moltiuomini a mutare stato, a ostinarsi a voler migliorare le propriecondizioni di vita, insieme a “ Mastrodon Gesualdo ”e altri tre progettati but never written. In Malavoglia vienerappresentata only the struggle for material needs but altriromanzi cycle would have to assume gradually Tallest tones.
MAIN the entire famigliadei Malavoglia submitted directly by the narrator all'iniziodel novel, can be considered the protagonist dellanarrazione. These characters are the embodiment tipologicadella family of fishermen upset by the misfortune of going forward but cercasempre head high, and their psychological depth edata from their own words through speech Direct libero.La family is compared to the fingers of the hand:
PadronNtoni andthe head of household, the eldest; know many proverbs simbolodella popular wisdom. It is a stubborn man who does not rinunciamai to do his duty. He loves the sea and therefore, its mestieredi fisherman. Initially, the narrator describes the character mododettagliato says only that it is a stooped old man, but later, when they get sick, it describes maggioreattenzione, as if through the physical description emerge ancheil psychological and emotional. Societàdel not opposed to the time nor the suffering, the respect with all suecredenze and traditions. His mind from what is in the peaceful primocapitolo change radically in the course of the novel because delledisgrazie that he faces in the last chapters are dealing with a man tired of life, now at Advanced adun'età, just waiting to death.
Bastianazzo is the son diPadron 'Ntoni, is called "big man" but Eun-hearted man and worker. He died still young in Marenello storm where you lost the load of lupins.
LaLonga (Maruzza) diBastianazzo is the wife, the good housewife. Percontribuire is being done to the family budget. Its serenity svaniscecon the premature death of her husband and then to his son Luke, the doloreper these losses are aging prematurely. Èspezzata his life from a severe disease: cholera.
Ntoni is figliomaggiore of Bastianazzo and Maruzza. It's a wise guy, although sometimes too impulsive. Over the years, the work becomes less and less suavoglia, rebels to suacondizione of misery and poverty in a modo insolito: smette dilavorare e va a cercare guai all’osteria e con il contrabbando.Questa vita lo porterà a scontare cinque anni di galera. Dopoessere stato rilasciato, lascia il paese d’origine.
Luca è uno deifigli di Bastianazzo, “un vero Malavoglia”, di buon cuore come ilpadre e giudizioso. Muore prematuramente in guerra.
Mena che lavorava etesseva sempre tanto da essere soprannominata “Sant’Agata”, èuna figlia giudiziosa e riservata. È soprannominata Sant’Agataper its hard work to the frame. After the death of his mother saeducare younger sister Leah, and run the house.
Ledisgrazie and sorrows the very early age: a soliventisei years already seems to be old.
It is very influenced by the society of his time: he decides, in fact, not to marry Alfio Moscow, where he was in love, because that would bring back the talk of the tristesorte sister.
Alessi lafiducia represents the future ; is a good guy, works hard to pull up lafamiglia after the death of his grandfather, father, mother and a runaway 'Ntoni. Fails to redeem the home of the family of Nespolo ericostruisce Malavoglia. Marry a nice girl, Nunziata.
Leah the most piccoladella Malavoglia family. Ends on everyone's lips after his brother ilprocesso and this leaves Aci Trezza. None avràpiù your news. Only Alfio Moscow knows the truth.
SECONDARY: il “secondoprotagonista” del romanzo è l’intero paese, composto dipersonaggi uniti da una stessa cultura ma divisi da antiche rivalità,tipi che parlano e si confondono tra loro creando un effetto coraleche nei primi capitoli quasi disorienta il lettore. La Santuzza ,l’ostessa che simboleggia l’inganno, donMichele ,il brigadiere corrotto, donSilvestro ,il segretario che gestisce come una marionetta il sindaco, AlfioMosca , the Carter resigned to his fate as a worker, Campanadi Wood , a wealthy and avaricious ladies are some of the most important. Alcontrario of what you may think, even the donkey diAlfio Moscow importance in the economy of the novel. Questoanimale is the symbol of the vanquished, that the poor must soltantolavorare to earn a pittance, "donkey meat - borbottava'Ntoni - that's what we are! Meat from work. "
Levice last ten years: 1865, ie three years dopola Thousand expedition of Garibaldi, 1875, in anniimmediatamente subsequent unification of Italy. Delracconto time is not homogeneous: they are frequently the ellipses and spessosono narrated the whole day. The pace is so abbastanzaaccelerato, fragmented and only in some places rallentatoda small reflections and descriptions. The dominant element Ela scene and as a result of the story time and time storiacoincidono. Are essentially absent flashbacks and anticipations. Leindicazioni time related only to eall'alternarsi liturgical feasts of the seasons, typical elements that characterize loscorrere time in peasant culture.
The interoromanzo is set to Aci Trezza, a small paeseabitato mostly by fishermen near Catania. The luoghiesistono only as names without ever becoming the subject of minuziosadescrizione. The village is understood as such unospazio closed unit which hosts the events and his Internova is a kind of scenery down to the typical places: lafarmacia the churchyard , the square (place deipettegolezzi), the tavern loafer of (place of subterfuge) ... The home is the moral and economic center of the family. Ilmari and sky with its "Three Kings" is a living presence epalpabili looking away and the vicissitudes deipersonaggi peaceful.
Ilromanzo tells the story of a family of fishermen, Toscanosoprannominati "Malavoglia, who lives and works in Aci Trezza, unpiccolo town near Catania. The family is known and all rispettatada and can be considered economically wealthy graziesoprattutto the proceeds from the fishing boat called "Providence." Their happy and peaceful existence èsconvolta some facts as the departure of 'Ntoni for ilservizio military a bad year for fishing, necessitàdi prepare a dowry for the eldest daughter. Padron 'Ntoni ritieneopportuno buy on credit a usurer uncle Crucifix caricodi lupins to be transported by boat to sell in a country vicino.Purtroppo ago a storm sank the ship is lost cosìil load, dies Sebastian, son of the chief Ntoni Padron family, husband and father Maruzza five sons: 'Ntoni, Mena, Leah, Luke, Alessi. Everyone starts to pay off the debt deilupini strive for but soon lost during military service nellabattaglia Vis, Luke dies. Destroyed by sorrow, iMalavoglia fail to pay off the debt and so is toltaloro the family home, known as the "House by the medlar tree." Now the whole country sees the evil eye Malavoglia intutti looking for ways to work get the money to marry off their daughters eto regain the House of the Medlar. A multiply fatichearriva cholera which takes away the Longa. Patron Ntoni cosìsolo remains with Alessi and 'Ntoni to support their grandchildren orphaned by the mother, father and beauty. Ntoni, after his military service, you give afrequentare the inn and smuggling, but Customs unaguardia stabbed, goes to prison. The sister Lia ilpaese abandoned and given to prostitution in the city. Ilconseguente dishonor break off the marriage between Mena and compareAlfio. The old 'Ntoni ends his life in hospital. From Alessi ultimoresta so that, after marrying, the Mena aiutodella sister bought the Casa del Nespolo and try the honor of reconstruction distrutto dei Malavoglia continuando ilmestiere del nonno. ‘Ntoni, uscito di prigione, ritorna a casa macapisce di non poter restarvi e si allontana per sempre.
Itemi affrontati nel romanzo sono:
Lalotta per i bisogni fondamentali dell’uomo
Lafatica incessante per ottenere risultati distrutti poi dalledisgrazie.
The attaccamentoalla stuff : it is one of the ideals of the people of Aci Trezza. Robaintendiamo with material goods that the family must have to potervivere dignity, and that the beginning had Malavoglia, queltanto enough to live. They then lost dilupini with that load, the result of speculation implemented by Padron 'Ntoni, that in so doing initiated the disgrace of the family. Inquest juncture the old patriarch has gone against the sueidee, not ever groped fortune, to stand passively by and "just do the job that you know" (he was very attached aiproverbi) and has paid dearly for this. When he learned of tragediasembrava almost desperate for lupins for figlioBastianazzo died at sea.
E'onnisciente so she knows all the facts and often anticipates comenel case of death of young Luke. DelVerga the intent of the novel had to be a "sincere and study passionate "about a community of Sicilian fishermen, then speaking in terzapersona and is external to each other, because we do not have personal alcunintervento by the author in the narrative, not ever SIFA spokesman for the thoughts of the characters, but lets parlareliberamente. Appare come un narratore popolare che condivide il mododi comportarsi, i pregiudizi, la mentalità, la cultura delmondo di cui parla.
Ilromanzo crea l’illusione che a parlare sia il mondo raccontato.Verga applica la formula verista, filtra il racconto attraverso ipensieri e i discorsi dei personaggi; questa è definita latecnica del “discorso rivissuto” che dà come conseguenzaun effetto di vivacità. Viene impiegato un registro informale,popolare tipico della popolazione di Aci Trezza che consiste nell’usodi espressioni dialettali, ripetizioni, proverbi, similitudinipopolari, sayings such as "it seemed there were cattle met the festival of San Alfie, "" looked like a hen when staper to the egg, it seemed we had the devil in their sails "eperiodi short; ilfatto that popular culture is demonstrated by the chef made references to animals 'breeding, the devil comespauracchio collective, with the country with its time and place diritrovo. So we have a regression to the author livelloculturale and expressive of the narrator and characters. Nellasintassi dominate the direct and indirect free speech. Iltempo has an order isochronous: the actions of those scorronoparallele fabula dell'intreccio (F=I). Per quanto riguarda ladurata, visto che in tutto il romanzo prevalgono i dialoghi, èpresente la scena, dove il tempo della storia corrisponde al tempodel discorso (T.S.=T.D.); sono però presenti anche diversedescrizioni (T.S.=O). 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Vicadin Natural Remedy

"nests" of potatoes (or love ...)

Soon the nest My love and Ale is finally completed ... still a few details and we, now is a matter of days (I hope) ... more than two or three weeks at the most ... ... I hope ... I am no longer headed in the skin! Many sacrifices, many aid by their parents (if there were to them, with the pipe we used up) and now here we are! EVVIVAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!

In honor of this big step, a small meal, but so full of meaning! ;-) Ale looked at me a bit 'strange when Did I served as a main course, but still did not know the story hidden behind the scenes ...

Ah, the recipe comes straight from the silver spoon !

Serves 4:

4 large potatoes 4 eggs equal

25 g butter
anchovy paste (I used 4 anchovy fillets)
salt & pepper

Boil the potatoes for about 10 minutes (I, in fact, I boil for 20 minutes). Drain them, cut the top cap and empty canvas gently with a spoon. Arrange them in a baking dish. Within each potato half an egg shell, and tasteless towel with a ribbon of butter, anchovy fillet (or anchovy paste), salt and pepper.

Bake in preheated oven at 200 ° C for 10 '(me 15 minutes) and serve.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

2010 Pregnant Prom Dresses


I'm back here repeat prescriptions have already been tried by other food-bloggers, presented so well, looked so inviting that I just can not refrain from reproducing! Today is the turn of the egg whites cake Dell'Agnese , found Alice Blog: Coffee & Chocolate . Like you and many others, I had the problem (if all these problems were ...) to dispose of the egg whites are not used properly and frozen in freezer. To make meringues I did not have the slightest desire, I wanted to try something new, and then here is the recipe for me! Really good ... I would see the there accompanied with hot chocolate! Next time, maybe I'll try to add the coconut flour! For the recipe I refer you to that posted on the blog author! So take the opportunity to give it a peek ... it's really very beautiful and interesting!

Police Radio For Sale


Neglianni seventies said in Italian fiction fortemovimento a realist who took the name of realism.

It is a literary and artistic movement that inspired Italian and French alNaturalismo Positivism theorizes strict fedeltàalla actual reality (the 'true') dellesituazioni, the events, environments, characters and unacorrispondenza with feeling and talk about subjects that vengonorappresentati.
  • Referring to the works of French naturalism of Emile Zola, but also to Alessandro Manzoni and scapigliatura, the movement tends to describe the life of humble people, outcasts from society who are busy in the struggle for survival against the inevitability of fate.
  • spread in the years after unification, and continues until the first decade of the twentieth century, reaching full maturity in the last three decades of 'Nineteenth Century (Verga, Capuana, evening, De Roberto, Di Giacomo, Deledda, Lorenzini, Playful, De Amicis).
its characteristics
  • Acceptance of scientific laws that govern social life and behavior: the writer tries to discover the laws governing human society, moving from lower social forms to higher ones, as does the scientist in the lab when he tries to discover the laws of physics behind such a phenomenon.
  • attention to reality in the dimension of everyday life: the writer prefers a realistic narration and scientific environments and the subjects of storytelling;
  • emotions rather than telling, the author presents the situation daily as a scientific inquiry, seeking the causes of its development, which are always natural and determined (determinism or social Darwinism) , also the inner life of man, explainable in terms of psycho-physiological, may be the subject of a scientific or social
... the object are the "human documents", that is true facts , historians, and the analysis of these documents must be conducted with "scrupulous scientific" ... (G. Verga)
  • the artist must be guided solely to infer that the true substance of their work by contemporary events that actually happened and instead, merely reflecting the reality that is objective reconstruction in all its aspects and at all levels of society.
  • need to play a full and objective reality, according to the canon dell'impressionalità which is the application in the literature of the scientific principle of non-interference of the observer on the observed objects (derived from positivism);
  • because of regional differences represented writers to write the way making room for change in the verismo dialects, eliminating all forms of refinement and scholarly rhetoric and introducing the linguistic mimesis.
  • The artist must be based solely on the truth, must be concluded that the matter of his work from contemporary events that actually happened and preferably and merely reconstruct objectively reflecting reality in all its aspects and at all social levels; Verga is the theory of impersonality: the narrator enters fully in his characters to tell human documents.
  • The narrator is the one who collects the thrill of passion, suffering and reveals him, impassive, without blame or exaltation, in putting aside to let the evidence speak of the facts, the logic of things: the theory of Verga 'impersonality.
  • The author must get into the skin of his characters, seeing things through their eyes and express with their words. In this way his hand, "will remain absolutely invisible" work. The reader has the impression not to hear a story of facts, but to witness events that took place under his eyes.
  • The narrator, in making his characters speak, use their language: a concise style, syntax, simple and unadorned, a peasant language and lively, always interspersed with folk-and proverbial expressions that highlight the ' objectivity of the narrative (autobiographical without intrusion).
  • The language and style must be adhered to the characters, settings, possibly drawing on the resources of regional dialects. The language is free of any theoretical and academic sophistication.
  • In this respect, the author speaks of linguistic mimesis (mimicry = Hide in the surrounding environment so as to be non-visible).
  • Capuana rejects the subordination of literature to extrinsic goals such as the demonstration "experimental" scientific claims and political and social commitment. The "scientific" should not consist in turning the narrative in an experiment to demonstrate the scientific argument, but the technique with which the writer is, which is similar to the method of scientific observation. The scientific word occurs only in the form of art, in the manner in which the artist creates his figures and organizes its material expression.
  • second rod, the artistic representation must have "the effect of being the state" must give the impression the story of what really occurred, it must return to "human documents." Not even enough that that is said to be real and documented, it must also be told to bring the reader face to face with the naked fact and straightforward, so you do not have the impression of seeing through a lens of the writer. " To this the writer must "eclipse", that should not appear as narrated by his subjective reactions and its reflections.
Loscrittore realist:
  • deals with real life situations, that lived in the burning national reality: the Southern populace, child labor, migration,
  • seeking the truth through the analysis of the lower classes, but the truth does not lead to progress but also reveals a death sentence;
  • prefers environments because of the rural populace is not yet contaminated by the prejudices of social convention;
  • prefers regional environments and the petty-bourgeois strata of society;
  • social environments are mostly small towns, rural, mining or environments of small and middle-class and impoverished aristocrats.
  • The Italian verismo had a strong regional and characterization, as the regional situations were deeply diverse, Italian, other issues were also represented by naturalists and environments.
  • Al north , greater articulation of the social structure, with the establishment, in addition to elite classes, a middle and lower middle class of professionals and clerical-related classes industrial apparatus, leads to enlargement of the "social base" of literature, ie the number of authors and readers, along with new varieties of literature, the novel use of the novel's appendix. The new positivist culture, new habits and behavior patterns related to the technological revolution, moving the focus on new types of people and new problems: the protagonist of the novels and the theater, next to the farmer and fisherman, is used (De trademarks). New heroes, as noted, are the industrialist, scientist, doctor and teacher (De Amicis). New themes are those of the family, the fundamental cell of society and those of adultery and prostitution.
  • Al sud , il verismo, non essendovi un proletariato urbano o i bassifondi di una capitale tentacolare da "studiare", si interessò all'umile vita dei contadini e dei pastori con le loro passioni elementari. Ad un mondo «pressochè vergine e ignoto, il mondo del meridione e delle isole, delle plebi contadine e artigiane, chiuse nella loro opaca renitenza alle forme e agli statuti della civiltà moderna, affioranti per così dire dal buio di una civiltà arcaica, stranamente sopravvissuta dietro le barriere di una secolare solitudine». Questa fu infine la vocazione del verismo italiano, e nel ritrarre la vita dei contadini e delle plebi il verismo obtained his best results. No coincidence that the most representative writers of the current, from a Capuana Verga, De Roberto to Deledda, were southern or island.

Ilromanzo JACINTA Luigi Capuana can be considered a piùrappresentative works of realism. It tells of a case of suicide that vienestudiato, by the author, with a firm scientific if nonaddirittura clinic. Other Colossus of realism is I Malavoglia (VIDEO) DiGiovanni Verga, a work that deals with the struggle, the levels of the social ladder piùbassi Sicily, for the basic needs of Vitaqua begins to be alive soul of the people should dibenessere. The human environment is poor and culturally distant dalnarratore describing it without the need for personal cosicchépossa be absolutely truthful.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Mount Blade Craft Mod


Gustave Courbet. The Stone Breakers. 1849. Oil on canvas. Already in Dresden, Gemaldegallerie, the work was destroyed during the Second World War.

naturalism is defined as more than unmovimento, a current of opinion, LaGrande born in France during the industrial revolution, the influence of pensieroscientifico and philosophy (positivism) and new and ideologiepolitiche social.
precursors: the interest in social phenomena in the sociological realism eragià DeBalzac of Honor, who in his "Human Comedy" had analyzed personaggiappartenenti to different generations and different environments.
But it was the writer G. Flaubert che i naturalistiindicheranno come loro maestro.Egli infatti nei suoi romanzi aveva impresso una svolta radicale alla tradizione del realismo romantico:
nei contenuti,mostrando l'impossibilità dicontinuare a nutrire romantiche illusioni(in particolare l'amore el'idealismo politico) in un tempo e in una societàcontrassegnati ormai dal grigiore e dalla banalità quotidiana;
nello stile, adottando una rigorosa impersonalitàche sopprimeva gli interventi diretti e  i commenti del narratore suvicende e personaggi, così frequenti nella tradizioneromantica del primo Ottocento.
The main representative of naturalism was ÉmileZola, who was the theorist and popularizer avereadottato who boasted of writing the same methods of investigation degliscienziati; product of this choice was the great cycle of Rougon-Macquart romanzidei.
The poetry was developed by Zola, who shall unit ⌫ principles in the theory of experimental novel, for which loscrittore:
  • must not invent but to observe reality and then play it objectively;
  • in the representation of the facts he must follow the scientific laws that explain social behavior;
  • his writing must be an objective document should not reveal from which no subjective intervention of the author.
In making its poetic laformula Zola took up the historian H. Taine, who argued that the azioniumane are determined by three factors: the historic moment, ambientesociale, race, and that hereditary factors.
TOPICS favorite fiction naturalistafurono antidealistici and clearly anti-romantic:
  • everyday life with its greyness, its banality, its hypocrisy and its small meanness
  • the passions to the limit of morbid psychiatric illness, madness, crime,
  • the living conditions of the lower classes, especially the urban proletariat, a true example of social pathology produced by misery: prostitution, alcoholism, juvenile delinquency.
The selection of these issues meant that lanarrazione natural to bring with them a strong social didenuncia.

Pink Wormlike Thing In Head

Gustave Courbet

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Do I Need To Register A Sunfish

The camera in your pocket

Riporto questa notizia di agenzia perché sicuramente segna un passo storico: un film corto destinato alle sale cinematografiche girato interamente con iPhone, a firma di uno dei più apprezzati registi sud-coreani, Park Chan Wook.

"(ANSA) ROMA - Park Chan Wook , regista sudcoreano autore di Oldboy e Lady Vengeance , ha utilizzato un nuovo mezzo per girare il suo prossimo film: l' iPhone 4 .

Il suo primo fantasy-horror, ' Paranmanjang ', è stato interamente girato con il telefono Apple: ''La nuova tecnologia crea un effetto particolare ed essendo molto diffusa, è molto familiare al pubblico'', ha detto Park secondo quanto riporta il Guardian online.

Leggero e piccolo, tutti possono utilizzarlo e questa è un'altra delle sue caratteristiche molto positive, ha detto il regista.

'Paranmanjang' significa in coreano ''una vita tra alti e bassi'' e racconta la storia di un uomo che 'attraversa' molte vite. Il film lasts 30 minutes, during which the man catches a woman while she is fishing at night, believed to be dead, but she wakes up and kills him. But then realized that was not really dead.

The horror paranormal, a low budget by £ 85,500, was shot with an iPhone 4 and ends Jan. 27 in South Korean cinema. The work was also attended by the brother of director Park Chan-Kyong, who explained how the variety of angles has been obtained thanks to the many iPhone used. "

Why Does Taylor Lautner Have Braces?

Paradiso Canto XI

Before & After Scene Extensions

Another idea of \u200b\u200bEurope - Introduction Introduction Europe in La Sapienza

Thursday, January 20, 2011, 15:30
Hall Commencement, Faculty of Political Science, University
of Rome "La Sapienza"

Another idea of \u200b\u200bEurope

Discussion from volume

Europe 2.0. Prospects and developments in the European dream.

By Nicola Vallinoto, Simone Vannuccini, Shadow Court, 2010


Adalgiso Amendola, Alberto Aubert, Federica Giardini, Fulco Lanchester

Speakers include: Paul

Acuna, Joseph Allegri, Bifo Franco Berardi, Giuseppe Bronzini, Roberto Ciccarelli, Raffaella Chiodo, Arturo Di Corinto, Chiara Giorgi, Alessandro Guerra, Andrea Marchil, Roberto Musacchio, Catia Pope Franco Russo, Michele Surdi, Nicola Vallinoto.

Promuove e sostiene:

Re_Lab_Ind ‐ Rete Laboratori Indipendenti

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Updated Cpr Guidelines For Babies 2009

The troubled path of Leopardi

Al periodo1818-1822 belong to the Lyrics stampoclassicistico ( To Italy, On the monument to Dante, AdAngelo Mai, a winner in the game of football, the wedding dellasorella Pauline, Brutus lesser Last song of Sappho ) Daitem hours existential Now political and civil rights.
pensieroè The base of the fund of "historical pessimism" that characterizes the view leopardianain this time. The works of this period are animated by ideas acres polemic against the present age, inert and corrupt, incapable of heroic action, this controversy contrapponeun'esaltazione of old age, generous and magnanimous. The most significant is Ad Angelo Mai : In addition to this polemicacontro Italy and the nostalgia of old, there appears motivodel "dear imaginary 'and' graceful dreams', which are dissolved dallaconoscenza rational" true ", which only increases the sense of emptiness and Lanoie. Instead, in less Enell Brutus' Last song of Sappho , Leopardinon speaks in first person, but delegates the two personaggidell'antichità poetic discourse, both suicide, Brutus, the assassin of Caesar, and poetessagreca Sappho.

At the same time (1819-1821) Leopardi working on Small Idylls.
Etymology: lat. Idyllium , from the greek eidyllion poem.
• It originated classificatory activity of Alexandrian grammarians, poems that defined the idylls of Theocritus (third century BC.) Compositions intended as brief and humble. For the pastoral nature teocritea poetry, today the term refers mostly sketches, idealization in rural life. The greek romance (Moschus and Bion), influenced the Latin poets (Tibullus, Ovid , Eclogues of Virgil), while the atmosphere of romance provided some classic features of bucolic poetry, especially developed in the eighteenth century. In modern literature, composition of various kinds, with strong intonation and emotional calm.

The historical pessimism reached a turning point: the idea is outlined diun'umanità unfortunate not only for historical reasons, but for a condizioneassoluta. a very different character are the Idylls , both in the topics, intimate and autobiographical, is nellinguaggio, more conversational and clear simplicity. created by the imagination, from visual sensations euditive.
Leopardi idyllic landscape motifs are inspired by and autobiographical, and then folded in meditation, memories, feelings which he himself described as "situations, conditions, historical adventure" of the soul.
These are small paintings in which the poet describes his inner landscape.

They include Infinity and the moon. In these two poems are motividominanti: the theme of infinity, which is expressed in desideriodi go beyond the limit, to a pure immensity, towards an authentic and happy life, the theme of memory, which the dàall'uomo sense of continuity between past and present and glipermette to exercise the option gives the most important poetic, that is the imagination.
The Operettemorali
closed the season of the songs and romances, Leopardi begins with a poetic silence that will last until spring del'28. He complains the end of youthful illusions, it plunged back into an state of mind of drought and frost, which prevents any motodell'immaginazione and feeling. Intends to devote to this soltantoall'investigazione of ' arid true. " from that provision are born moral Operettas, almost all compostenel 1824, returning from Rome, after the disappointment suffered his first contact him in the reality outside the "jail" of Recanati. The moral Operettas are tales of philosophical argument. Leopardi viespone the "system" which he prepared, drawing on the vast material accumulatonello Zibaldone. But it exposes the systematic information, but through a series of great inventions, myths, allegories, paradoxes, fables, true song lyric prose. Moltedelle operettas are dialogues, whose partners are imaginative creatures, personifications, mythical or fabulous in other cases it is dipersonaggi historians, or historical figures mixed with weird fantastic beings. In some operettas proiezionedell'autore the main contact is the same. Even the aerial inventions are centered around core AITEM pessimism: the inevitable human misery, lack of pleasure, boredom, pain, materials cheaffliggono the evils of humanity. . In particular, they mark the transition from historical pessimism (as which the man and the reason is because dell'umanainfelicità) to cosmic pessimism (which, on the contrary, Nature reputala guilty of human suffering). Among these ricordanoil Dialogue of Nature and an Icelander , the Dialogue an Elf and a Gnome the Dialogodi Tristan and a friend.

I grandiidilli
On May 2, 1828 Leopardiscrive from Pisa to his sister Pauline: "I did the verses quest'aprile but versiveramente old, and with that my heart 's once. " The long period disilenzio poetic ended. The poet attends to a "resurgence" of suefacoltà to feel, think and be moved. He returned to Recanati the end of that year, does not see the happy moment of creation even stop in the sixteen months of "horrible night" after his father's house. These compositions riprendonotemi, attitudes, language of the "romances" of the '19-'21: the illusions and lesperanze, their youth, the memories, pictures of life in nature borghigianae serene and spring, the suggestion of images and sounds vague eindefiniti, the clear language and music, far dall'aulicità bold dellinguaggio songs. These poems are not simply ripresadella poetry a decade earlier, experiences are placed in the middle decisive end to the illusions youth gained awareness of the "true", lacostruzione of a philosophical system based on a absolute pessimism. Lacaratteristica identifying the great romances siinstaura is a miraculous balance between two conflicting forces that should be, "the dear image" and the "true".
The Great Idylls or Recanatesi Pisan Cantos (1828-1830): A Silvia, Canto the night a wandering shepherd Asia, The recollections, Saturday in the village . In they occur: the memory of a bygone era, the poetry of the vagus edell'indefinito; leopardiano the topos of the interview with the moon, cosmic ilpessimismo it is "fatal to those born DiNatale" (Night Song).
The ultimoLeopardi

Last season Leopardi, where it is dopoil '30 and after definitive expulsion from Recanati, marks a turning point Digrandi I note than the previous poem . Leopardi seems more orgogliosodi themselves of their spiritual greatness, and most ready fighting neldiffondere his ideas, polemically in opposition to the trends in dominantidell'epoca. The opening also occurs in human, interpersonal. Sitratta a profoundly new poetry, far from idyllic: ildiscorso no longer based on the images vague and indefinite, and there are no more illinguaggio clear that those images and music you sang, you have a poesianuda, severe, with almost no image maps, and there appear atteggiamentienergici, militant, heroic, and the language becomes harsh, unmusical, lasintassi complex and broken. The basis of such a poem puòin ecutions a real "new poetry", except that the vagus eindefinito, still followed in the season dei grandi idilli. La criticaleopardiana si indirizza contro tutte le ideologie ottimistiche che esaltano ilprogresso e profetizzano un miglioramento indefinito della vita degli uomini,grazie alle nuove scienze sociali ed economiche e alle scoperte dellatecnologia moderna; bersaglio polemico sono inoltre le tendenze di tipospiritualistico e neocattolico che si vanno sempre più affermando nel periododella Restaurazione. A queste ideologie Leopardi contrappone le proprieconcezioni pessimistiche che escludono ogni miglioramento della condizioneumana. Questa polemica è condotta attraverso varie opere. La Palinodia al marchese Gino Capponi è unasorta di satira di sapore pariniano nei confronti di una società moderna edella sua fede nelle social progress and technological achievements, which an ironical Laforme retraction ( recantation means "retraction")

Between 1833 and 1835 makes ilcosiddetto Aspasia cycle, including Amoree death, Consalvo, the dominant thought, if A stress Aspasia.
The poet was crushed but not resigned, he wants to claim Lasu dignity and greatness, so the love for Aspasia and the extreme attempt to assert his "right to happiness." They belong to the last year, after waiting forever piùansiosamente of death, which release dallesofferenze, The moonset (1836) and Laginestra (1836). This is the last poetic summa dellameditazione Leopardi is a messaggioagli men, that, in solidarity and fraternal sicoalizzino against the evil nature . Many reflections in the merged Leopardis Zibaldone (I ed. 1898): sitratta of notes on various subjects, from philology to politics, from literature to philosophy. In particular, there is explained to the applicant's theory of pleasure, that man has seun infinite desire for pleasure, which, as such, èirrealizzabile, so if you enjoy, it can esseresolo temporary as a result of a momentary cessation deldolore. The production is vast and problematic Leopardi, accompanying the evolution of thought of the poet who, in ultimianni of his life, despite the final fall of ogniillusione, says the human dignity and the desire diun'esistenza more stable and civilized. Cornerstone dellasua ideology remains epessimistica the materialistic conception of man, inevitably destined for unhappiness.