Sunday, February 27, 2011

Negatives Of Hand Washing Clothes

Bulls Eye (recipe Mason Alda)

On Sunday afternoon I've always liked to make a cake waiting for the arrival of my love ... Ale plays football, and on this day is held the championship game at lunchtime you always eat in a light and light, not heavy in your stomach, but in the evening when he returns home, he opens a hole in the stomach, the kind that everything that appears before you swallow! The cake usually prepare it, this serves to appease his legitimate famished, accompanied by a nice steaming cup tea or coffee.

Yesterday I prepared the bullseye "of the legendary Mason Alda:

400 grams of flour (for me Molino Chiavazza )
120 grams of sugar
lemon zest 1 egg yolk grated

250 grams of butter
jam (organic peach jam for me Fiordifrutta of Rigoni di Asiago )

Mix flour with sugar, lemon zest, the yolk and butter, if the dough is too stiff, add a little 'rum (not more than 2 cl) or a few drops of cold water, no milk. Make the dough rest in a cool, preheat the oven to 180 degrees, roll out the dough and cut into rounds with a cutter or a small glass. The round must be equal in number, are derived from the middle rounds of the rings, using a cutter or a glass of smaller diameter. Bake in oven 10-15 minutes rounds and rings (they must be fair). When they are cold, spread the jam on the round, sprinkle with powdered sugar rings then posali on rounds. The jam will keep them together.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Hemmorhoid Brazilian Wax

RISOTTO roast sauce and wok-ZEN KIT

This is one of the most delicious risotto I've ever tasted ... and what's so special? Nothing! Just a nice risotto, baked goods at the right point, seasoned with a good gravy ... advanced for the series: here we do not throw anything away!


Carnaroli rice for two people (for the amount I was straight edge with the glass: a glass of my three dishes of risotto ... so a little bit too advanced for the next day !)
parmigiano grattugiato
brodo di carne
vino bianco secco
1 cipolla
olio evo

In un wok (io ho usato quello della Kit-Zen * appena arrivato! Cucinare con questo strumento è uno spettacolo perché non si attacca niente e permette di usare meno grassi con la sua forma) lasciate scaldare un pochino d’olio con un po' di burro, aggiungete il riso e la cipolla tritata finemente, salate, mescolate, lasciate assorbire il condimento. Sfumate con del vino bianco secco, quindi, aggiungendo un mestolo di brodo ben caldo alla volta, brought to the kitchen more or less in 15 minutes.

Remove from heat and stir the risotto with the remaining butter and Parmesan cheese. Arrange on serving platter and pour slowly over the hot gravy. Serve.

* And here I am at present in the specific HIS MAJESTY 'WOK , the Company Kit-Zen . Yes, because we are talking about a king in the kitchen, a trump card, a real help for beginners and experienced cooks like me! A wok with two handles red, complete with lid, with a diameter of 40 cm!

Technology Unibody a world exclusive: the body and handle made from a single piece of steel 3-ply plywood. Incredibly safe and virtually eternal. Suitable for all heat sources, but undisputed leader in the kitchen with induction. Low weight thanks to the unique technology Flowforming Design with variable thickness. Super fast and even cooking on any surface, including walls, for a healthy diet, rich in taste and nutrients. Steel and aluminum are reinterpreted through innovative technology multiply SCE: thanks to its high conductivity 'saves a lot of time and energy. Double-Hole revolutionary ventilation system integrated into the lid. Water Seal Effect: reduces cooking times amplifying the taste.

Practically a pot eternal

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mi Paste Does It Work


Every night I come home from work and are always in a hurry, place one thing here, another there ... I have not "got around" in the new house ... I think it will take some time before I get used to it, I stairs up stairs at all, I do not sleep at night, in fact it is quite difficult to approach. At night, and you know it, nine are in a flash and you're still there, you have to invent something for dinner ... I was at home alone I'd settle for a nice cup of milk with cereals, but fortunately there my husband next to me and I have the task of looking after him and rest his stomachino. Yesterday was the turn of these scrumptious spaghetti, topped with a sauce of lemon and goat cheese. Fast, simple, light: one that is right for me!

Serves 2:

200 grams of spaghetti (I usato gli spaghetti dell' Azienda Agricola Mancini presenti nel pacco inviatomi gentilmente da Atmosfera Italiana )
1 spicchio d’aglio
1 caprino fresco
la scorza grattugiata di un limone
½ bicchiere ca di latte
grana grattugiato
prezzemolo tritato
olio evo
sale e pepe

Mettete sul fuoco una pentola con abbondante acqua per la cottura della pasta. Nel frattempo lavate accuratamente il limone e grattugiatene la scorza.

In una padella antiaderente (per me Ballarini) fate scaldare un pochino d’olio, aggiungete l’aglio e lascia telo dorare a fuoco basso. Togliete l’aglio, aggiungete la scorza di limone e lascia tela insaporire qualche istante; aggiungete il caprino, stemperatelo e diluite la crema con il latte; insaporite con sale e pepe e lascia tela sul fuoco ancora un paio di minuti.

Lessate gli spaghetti, scola teli al dente, rovesciateli nella padella con la crema di limone, aggiungete una bella spolverata di prezzemolo tritato e mescolate per un paio di minuti ancora. Spolverizzate a piacere con del grana grattugiato.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Banks In Thailand That Use Iban

Brussels sprouts COCOTTE

Ancora cocottine... siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!! Sono troppo carucce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
L’altro giorno, al supermercato, mi sono decisa ad acquistare dei cavoletti di Bruxelles… premetto: non li ho mai assaggiati, né tantomeno cucinati! E nemmeno Ale… mi son detta, proviamoli! La ricetta alla quale mi sono ispirata, l’ho tratta dal blog “Accanto al camino” della dolcissima Libera; vi ho apportato solo qualche piccolissima variante. Risultato: OTTIMO! Sicuramente li ricomprerò per qualche altra sfiziosissima ricetta!

Riporto di seguito la ricetta, e tra parentesi metto le mie varianti:

250 g Brussels sprouts
300 gr of ricotta cheese (I 200 g)

5 anchovy fillets 1 clove garlic, minced (I, too, as I left the Free "clothing" and then removed)

extra virgin olive oil bread
grated Parmesan cheese (this was my addition) salt and pepper

Clean the sprouts, blanch them in salted water for 10 minutes, drain and cut in half. Passing them finish cooking in a pan (I used the pan Ballarini just arrived) with olive oil and garlic, should not fall apart.

Cut the anchovy fillets (do not chop), add the ricotta, mix well with the grain grated (my addition) and extra virgin olive oil, add to the mix also sprouts (if the dough should be slightly soft, add some 'water from cooking the sprouts). Put everything in cocottine, anointed with oil and sprinkled with bread crumbs and sprinkle the mixture with grated cheese and breadcrumbs.

Bake at 180 degrees for about twenty minutes.

With Free ... your kitchen is a guarantee! Once your dish is always a guaranteed success!

take advantage of this post to tell you about the products Ballarini.

Thanks to Claudia
My Ricettarium , I went too the way of collaboration with famous Italian brands, including Ballarini, a leading manufacturer of household products and non-stick. Are worthy of note these wonderful new line of bio-pots Greenline: the power of innovation in environmental protection. A collection of cookware in the absolute protection of the environment. Recyclable and manufactured from recycled raw materials, in compliance with energy saving and environmentally friendly production processes, which contribute to the reforestation of Nature Reserves in developing countries. The ethical responsibility that the company si assume è racchiusa ed espressa nell’etichetta ambientale che accompagna ogni utensile. Una dichiarazione assoluta a garanzia di tutti i valori che questi prodotti esprimono e di un processo produttivo completamente volto alla tutela dell’uomo e dell’ambiente.
Ogni prodotto Greenline contribuisce alla creazione di 5 mq di nuove foreste all’interno di Riserve Naturali in paesi in via di sviluppo, pari a 5,2 kg di CO2 compensati.

Beh... con delle pentole così cucinare diventa tutta un’altra cosa!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

1998 Grand Cherokee Replace Factory Amp


I'm starting to get familiar with the new kitchen ... it's tough, is not easy, accustomed to the "old" ... looking for things and do not find them, make the first movements that were natural, not here yet ... always open doors or wrong drawers in search of salt and pepper ... I will take a little 'time to be completely relaxed!

This is the first dish cooked with the new furnace and the new in-laws cocottine regalatemi number one!

Ingredients for 4:

400 gr potato
400 g leeks
100 gr di pancetta
olio extra vergine di oliva
sale, pepe

Sbucciate le patate, affettatele sottilmente, tenetele in acqua fredda per 10 minuti, quindi scola tele, asciuga tele e rosola tele in padella in un velo di olio caldo con un pizzico di sale. Intanto mondate e affettate i porri, quindi stufateli in una casseruola coperti d’acqua a filo, con una noce di burro, sale e pepe. Imburrate 6 cocotte, coprite il fondo con un dischetto di carta da forno, poi pressatevi le fettine di patate a strati alternati con lo stufato di porri, una fettina di pancetta e ancora fettine di patate. Infornate a 180° per 15/20 minutes, then unmold and serve (if you want you can also turn this will give you the "towers").

With this recipe for the collection of Imma: "My cocotte"

Friday, February 18, 2011

Would You Buy Rudy Gay's Jersey?

art that breaks down: the poetics of humor

Pirandello is larger than the twentieth-century Italian playwright: conspevolezzadella for the identity crisis of man in society modernae for the novelty of his work that upsets the tradizionalitecniche teatro.Ma expression of his non-involvement clamoriavanguardistici D'Annunzio and the early twentieth century Italian gliconsentì to achieve fame until much later, when the war did lacrisi ripe because suomessaggio could be understood.
produzionenarrativa Since its first issue that emerges gradually deepened, caratterizzatutta his work at the same time expresses his worldview: ilsentimento the tragic condition of man convicted allasconfitta the inability to communicate with others and if diconoscere stesso.A confirm and explain this condition disperatasi added: sentmento the contrast between illusion and reality, as man is obliged to accept a form which, however peresisterela proves illusory than alcontinuo flow of life, the feeling of casualitàdella life, which takes place in a world devoid of values \u200b\u200band certezzegovernato by an absolute relativity.
The characters in P. In fact sonoquasi always the life of the petty bourgeois petty soffocatidalle social conventions, to which they fit with passivainconsapevolezza.Ma sometimes revealing an unsuspected divivere should they become aware and react by gestiapparentemente bizarre , but if there is no outlet valve nonnella liberating of insanity or resignation dolentee aware.

In aprofessore ordinary course of a competition, write an essay, Humor (1908) checompendia his poetry.
Humor chiavedi is the access of the whole literary system Pirandello. Laprima hand, while most academic-related occasion, èfondamentale for his attempt to settle the poeticapirandelliana expressed in the second part, first aun'interpretazione literary history and criticism, and then un'esteticache is connected to the result of an epistemology a new modelloantropologico (based the contradictions, the co-degliopposti). Developing the first link, Pirandello individuavauna misunderstood line of literary tradition, then studied daMichail Bakhtin. Playing the second, he walked to a camminoparallelo to Henri Bergson and Sigmund Freud (who, iniziosecolo, had also dedicated studies, with strong values \u200b\u200besteticheed epistemological, rice and comic) and anticipated in the bi-logicadell'epistemologia psychoanalytic background of Ignacio Matte Blanco.
Pirandello called "Comedian" 's "contrary tdel warning": warning of dissonance omitting the substance and forms causes riso.Ma passaredall'avvertimento if we can get the "feeling to the contrary, if riusciamocioè to think beyond the appearance to guardaenell'interiorità man then turns inpianto.Celebre rice is an example of the old lady "goffamenteimbellettata parade of dresses and youth" that moves the dellettore rice, which she felt in the contrariodi as an old doverebbeacconciare signora.Ma if he reflects on perchèella so cruelly deceive herself in tentativomagari to keep a husband younger than herself, here cheperverrà the "feeling of contario" and the rice will give way to pity.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Clothes Steamer To Buy Las Vegas


I warned you ... more radicchio! ;-) How good ... and versatile ... these rolls I was reminded by a mix of recipes in my head. I saw on TV advertising of the new Philadelphia: now use to prove that you can use cream cheese in different ways, suggesting a different recipe each time. What I saw was to prepare the chicken rolls with shredded zucchini and Philadelphia, close gl'involtini, wrap with a slice of bacon (with the help of a kitchen string), put them to fry in a pan with a little oil, sprinkle with white wine and cook for about twenty minutes. I have replaced the filling with ricotta mixed with radicchio, previously bored ... it was the seasoning of pasta for lunch prepared by my love ... having to play the game on Sunday, I always try to vary the usual white pasta with something equally more light but tasty, because, as always, prepare food for an army, I decided to use the "seasoning" advanced as a filling for my rolls. We liked them very much!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Outers Universal Gun Cleaning Kit

Let us point up ..... .......

The novel can be divided into three parts, each of which may match a different point of view. The first day opens with a description of the popular uprising that expresses itself in cruelty and violence. There are three tumultuous narrative sequences: the first, in a sort of "camp site", with multiple scenes of murder, acts of summary justice, as listed in the form of verdicts from the crowd shouted, are included, even if not justified, the narrator , since the punishment in respect of crimes committed from the privileged classes and their apparatus of power. The second, which closes at the scene of the hands that try in vain to parry the blows, and the third home of the Baroness, in a crescendo of violence. The second day is the core of the novel, before the arrival of Bixio to do justice. His arrival according to the forms of sentimentality and Garibaldi's Risorgimento, made his own ingenuous narrator popular Nino Bixio no longer looks like a good father, but as a rough, wild and wandering soldier. The sudden change in tone is due, rather than the narrator, the author himself, not unaware of certain behaviors coarse Bixio, disrespectful of the traditional values \u200b\u200bof village communities of Sicily. The third part of the story relates to events following the murder, possession of jailed rebels, until its closure three years later.
ability Verga's narrative stands out in its ability to tune the language to the characters . L 'excitement and drama of the uprising have become reconciled through rhythm and broken by the syntax: very short sentences, direct speech of characters in the form and exclamatory interrogative. The events of the evening and the next two days are represented in a more peaceful, thanks to the use of the ellipsis. In the end, the pace syntactic wants to make sense of the length of waiting del processo e il clima di rassegnazione che lo circonda. Alla progressiva attenuazione della drammaticità della novella corrisponde un’accelerazione della velocità narrativa: mentre la strage è raccontata attraverso un’accavallarsi di scene che danno al lettore l’impressione di assistere alla rivolta in tempo reale, i fatti successivi sono riassunti in sommari che abbracciano durate via via più ampie fino alla brevissima scena finale della lettura della sentenza, suggellata dalla battuta del carbonaio. Proprio questa battuta del carbonaio spiega il significato amaramente ironico del titolo della novella: “la libertà” è, per il conservatore Verga un valore assunto, da confondere con la concessione della terra farmers, otherwise freedom becomes dangerous to the state, which is pushed to the brink of anarchy for the same masses, which are dragged to ruin. The only possible system is in force: unnecessary and catastrophic for all and any attempt to change their social status. It is the bitter and cruel confirmation of the 'perfect oyster "the only salvation seems to be to cling to their origin as its oyster reef. Verga accentuates its materialistic pessimism, finally putting aside the illusion of a possible persistence of ideals and values \u200b\u200bstaring with cold, analytical look at the reality devastated by the only logic is able to survive: that of the economic benefit of the individual, ie, a term he himself used that stuff. The struggle for life that leaves no room for the affirmation of self-interest in a war without winners. This development coincides with the radicalization of conservatism, which would entail the right historical perspective of the reformist, who had been close, to fall back on reactionary positions. If in the earlier novels was possible to speak of a religion of the family, here is the only recognized religion of the stuff. But the furious struggle for the acquisition of material goods is both meaningless and therefore unable to justify the ferocity that breaks out between the men. Exactly the futility of efforts by men to combat this state of affairs stands in full in this story, in which the reconstruction of the popular insurrection in the country before the arrival of Garibaldi Bronte becomes the occasion to show the ferocity of the poor people and to condemn any possibility of social transformation, emphasizing the need for hierarchies and privileges of a society essentially unchangeable.

1-2)La novella si ispira ad un fatto realmente accaduto. A Bronte, un paese non lontano da Catania, nei giorni dal 2 al 5 agosto 1860 la popolazione, formata in gran parte da poveri contadini, si sollevò contro i locali proprietari terrieri.
Il periodo storico è quello della spedizione dei Mille in Sicilia, al comando di Garibaldi e Nino Bixio. Dopo la caduta del governo borbonico, c'erano stati vari proclami rivoluzionari, secondo i quali la terra, già di proprietà di pochi galantuomini (così venivano detti i proprietari terrieri), doveva essere distribuita ai capifamiglia contadini.
Queste le ragioni della rivolta, quindi: le condizioni miserevoli dei contadini, la fame, il desiderio di «libertà» from slavery and misery.
Also keep in mind that the Sicilian population, largely helped Garibaldi and the Thousand in the victorious war against the Bourbons, because they saw in this the possibility of improving their living conditions.
The revolt of Bronte was bloody, and ended in a terrible massacre. He was personally suppressed by Nino Bixio, who had shot some of the rioters (sometimes, as in these circumstances, taking almost at random those who were to be executed). The others were convicted and jailed for life.
Verga report the exact history with his dramatic content. Describes the killings, the psychology of the mob, drama.
Note, for example, the use of comparisons taken from nature: the rebels are like a "stream" as the "flood of the river," and sweep away everything now, without realizing what they do.
After the madness and end the slaughter, the day the door stands a strange calm and full of fears that come and shoot the soldiers are greeted almost with a sense of liberation, the tragedy that has consumed has left everyone amazed and altered .
the end, everything is as before: the "lords" in their place, the poor farmers even poorer.
The tragedy has ended, and is not served at all. Only those convicted will continue to wonder why, shouting that they wanted only "the libertà».
E un mondo senza speranza, che neppure la vittoria garibaldina ed il cambio di Re riescono a mutare.

L'atteggiamento di Verga ha fatto molto discutere perchè non manifesta in questa novella alcun rilievo critico nei confronti del'operato di Bixio:non si accenna, per esempio, al fatto che tra i fucilati ci fosse in realtà anche un patriota democratico, l'avvocato Lombardo.Occorre tuttavia mantenere distinte le posizioni del narratore da quelle dell'autore.La violenza del popolo viene rappresentata da Verga come una sorta di elemento della natura, la focalizzazione del narratore ne mette in evidenza espressionisticamente la primitività. La violenza, che si esercita in genere dall'alto down for a moment seems to reverse its direction, but the social hierarchy of ever again impose itself by force of the natural order.

The novel "Freedom" is part of Verga's stories rusticana and is inspired by the massacre of Bronte in 1860.
The "Freedom" is the most significant example of the news that Rod wrote inspired by the clash between opposing classes and the perpetual violence of their relationship. In various parts of the story is matched by a historic moment and a point of view.
" Freedom "is a title bitterly ironic, because the whole story starts from a given the freedom to build, while this is not achieved and at the end of the novel after several years that the rioters were in jail, one of those who came out said, "But if I had said that there was freedom. "
The first part has as its timing Saturday, August 4 in which the revolt against the "gentry" explodes in all its violence and ferocity. Shown here is the view of some of the people who said in a crescendo of excitement and violence. Everything looks right and can be the desire of economic and social equality that the thirst for revenge against the ruling class to centralize wealth and power. In the central part
The novel describes the events of Sunday, August 5, it reinforces the vision of freedom as the equitable distribution of land and it reflected a more utilitarian and individualistic vision of the facts.
The third part is divided into a period of three years, the arrival of Garibaldi's issue of the Court of Appeal against the rioters. Here Verga does prevail bourgeois point of view, "freedom" means only violence and disturbance of the established order. The events run slowly, with an increasing lack of interest, while the accused are taken from the fatalism of those who can not explain the reasons for its defeat.
the bloody uprising remains so only the suffering of the accused, as life returns to flow as before. Everything remains the same, everything was useless.
whole song is characterized by its expressive technique of Verga, namely the 'impersonality which sees the film as coming from the voice of the people, by the paths of the country where it takes place. At the same time, reflected the conservatism of the 'author, who suggests a story in which the Sicilian peasants fail for various reasons to implement a reversal of their social conditions, even when they act with force.

Marco Siracusano
The "Freedom" by Verga, inspired by a true story. We are located in Bronte in 1860.
exactly what develops in the novel, is the action taken by the population of the lower classes against the gentlemen, arose out of feelings of anger grown a bit 'forever. This story is one of the most important works that highlights the serious conflicts between the different social classes. The characters in this story are just common people, ie all those who took part in the revolt. The mass, driven by partisan treason in those days of summer blows a bloody massacre by targeting the 'hats' that representatives of high society do things that perhaps would never have achieved alone, but, driven by the euphoria of those moments, are drawn in large numbers. The people of Bronte is similar in some respects to that Manzoni Milan in moments of bread riots, because of the common aspects dictated by a desperate situation which oppresses and the end is the only outlet to the insurgency. All of this lies in some respects an ignorance of the people, who can not resolve some issues with the intellect.
Rod makes reference to a specific place or country of Bronte where you play the facts of the story, and a city in which the process is carried out to insurgents.
The time frame of the revolt is well defined: it takes place in a period of about three days, seems rather indefinite period of trials.
Verga showcases its most bloody and violent revolt. The images that are being donated to lead us to that time, almost making us part of the mass. The killing scenes are described by short phrases spoken by the populace here and there, but can make us well understand what is happening. You can divide into three main events. The first day is characterized by the first acts of violence carried out initially on the street, under the eyes of all. It is as if the angry mob was trying to be seen in the most kidnapped possible. Moving then to the house of the baroness. The second day opens with a scene of country completely empty. The church bells do not sound even if it's Sunday, and there's no way. When the crowd can gather, the people trying in vain to divide the land. It is precisely at this time that they miss the upper classes: it is missing the figure of the parish priests in charge of the spiritual life of men, and the various officials dealing with the bureaucracy. The third part, however, is more dispersed as it develops over a longer time. the arrival of Garibaldi's issue of the Court of Appeal against the rioters.
Of the various events of the revolt, it remains only a strong sense of suffering by the accused. He has not changed anything, and life starts to flow as before.

Freedom of rusticana this story is a unique concept at all, it is loaded functions increasingly different and even opposite, depending on the perspective of people who use the termine.Da exultant cry that urges the reversal of power relationships, it becomes synonymous with the first of equitable distribution of wealth and then to revolution and carnage with aspects of irrational and disorganization. it is full of episodes cruel, murderous and we talk about children, women and innocent men, both rich and poor, dying. In my opinion, poor people, was wrong to attack the nobility, because it has got nothing, but only killed people. Verga presents the story in all its drama, with bleak, harsh words and expressions realistic documenting the horrors done in the name of freedom, also intends to emphasize the violence of the peasants. It is the story of the "losers", those who rebel against the ruling class without having the opportunity and the ability to change much of their misery. Even the much-vaunted "freedom", which gives the novel its title, ends with the result false and illusory, however, applies only to alcuni. Io penso che la libertà indica l'essere libero, la condizione di chi non è prigioniero e non ha restrizioni, ma è anche la facoltà dell'uomo di agire e di pensare in piena autonomia.
Per me, questa novella è stupenda, ti fa riflettere sul valore della libertà e immaginare le scene, come se fossi io stessa a guardare.
L’unico svantaggio che ho riscontrato durante la lettura di questo breve racconto è che il lessico e il modo di scrivere sono complessi. La non definizione dei luoghi e dei temp ,come l'assenza di una presentazione degli antefatti della vicenda,si può spiegare con l'intenzione di mettere il lettore"faccia a faccia col fatto nudo e schietto",catapultando fin da dalle prime parole,senza any mediation by the narrator, in the middle of the action. The absence of a filter does not select a character from the narrative that the narrator does not select a single player to center stage, but staged a collective indefinite ("tumbler ....
began to play ... .. ") leaving the doctor with the task of identifying the features from his actions: if single figures at times emerge through rapid zoom film (" a witch "line 8," a lame brat "line 19," the woodcutter "righe47-48), they disappear immediately absorbed by the masses. The social pessimism rod I agree with the obvious pianto dei rivoltosi,questo significa che loro sanno che non cambieranno mai,dimostrazione di un pentimento che nasce dalla consapevolezza della loro situazione di inferiorità nei confronti di alcune classi sociali che l'anno sempre controllati e che hanno dettato le regole fino ad allora . La fine della novella è una mediazione perchè i contadini hanno bisogno dei padroni e viceversa, quindi traspare il conservatorismo dell'autore. Verga propone una storia in cui i contadini siciliani non riescono ,per vari motivi a ribaltare le loro condizioni ,neppure quando agiscono con la forza.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hemorrhoid Brazilian Wax


This is one of those recipes that tastes of the past ... a long time I wanted it to and collaboration with "Molino Chiavazza" gave me the opportunity, in the package they sent to me, there was also the chickpea flour and the end that he did was this! I would say excellent! I have served with the meats but I look at you other possible combinations.

I report below the origins of this pie, I do not know about you, but I like a lot to discover the small hidden stories behind each recipe:

the chickpea flour is a typical specialty of Liguria, especially the city of Genoa where it was invented about 2,000 years ago.
the flour and a very small pie made with very simple ingredients and poor: chickpea flour, water, salt and oil.
Regarding the origins of this substitute for bread, we must go back a long way, even the time of the Greeks and Romans, when soldiers used to prepare a "concoction" chickpea flour and water which were then bake in the sun or on your shield, to eat quickly and cheaply.
The result was so nutritious recipe that survived the fall of the Roman Empire coming straight to the Middle Ages when it was eaten together with chopped onions bathed in vinegar, or fresh cheese.
Just linked to this period is the legend which tells that the porridge, as we know it today, was born in 1284, by pure chance, when Genoa defeated Pisa in battle of Meloria.
On returning from battle, the Genoese ships find themselves caught in a storm and a few barrels of oil and chickpea tumbled salt water bath.
Because of the scarcity of provisions, was recovered everything possible was served to the sailors and the mixture of chickpeas and oil in an attempt to make it less objectionable, it was left to dry in the sun resulting in a kind of pancake.
Once ashore, the Genoese, they decided to improve the recipe for this impromptu pancake and cook the puree that was obtained in the oven.
The result was so good that in mockery to the vanquished, was called the gold of Pisa.
In the fifteenth century, a decree issued in Genoa, disciplined production, then called "scripilita.
Very special were the premises, called "Sciamadda" where you could enjoy this specialty along with a typical meal and a glass of wine.
Sciamadda's regular customers were especially artists and writers, among which Fabrizio de Andre, who loved to attend these inns.


250 gr chickpea flour " Il Molino Chiavazza"
few tablespoons of olive oil
a sprig Rosemary

dissolve the chickpeas in water to form a liquid pstella (about 0.70 liters of water). Stir so that no lumps are formed. Add a sprig of rosemary and allow to stand for one hour. Remove the rosemary and add duo tablespoons of olive oil and salt, mix well. Pour into a flat pan one layer of an inch. Place in hot oven and bake for 30 minutes. Remove from oven and sprinkle serve at pleasure of finely ground pepper.

Kaiser Porcelángermány

Bronte - report of a massacre ... (Film 1972) [Savoy - Bourbon - Reg ..


Review on the movie

Meet Florestano Vancini led by Renzo Monteleone

"In the last years of the high school I had - and I still have - a great love for Rod, I studied, cultivated, detail. I remember one of Verga's stories that struck me was titled Freedom, in which the author tells of a peasant revolt in an unknown country, a process that follows in this revolt ... comes a general ... Only after the war came to discover that in this story Verga told the revolt in his own way of Bronte. "
" Someone scolded me for having shown the peasants ugly, dirty, foul ... Bixio beautiful, elegant, in uniform ... are things to be amazed. I am told by those who do not know, do not know ... the peasants have always been - no longer because the condition has changed - and especially in Sicily at that time, horrible, dirty, hungry ... came from centuries of human degradation ... were really reduced to the level of beasts.
too dirty coal, mica could take a shower or bath! indeed I would insist even more, if I had a kind of cinema I wanted to convey smell the stink ... violence there was so scary. Yes was in fact a subhuman living conditions, a state of affairs in which words like freedom and misery no longer make sense, we are beyond, to levels unimaginable. "
(Florestano Vancini)

Prom Dresses For Pregnant

" After Bronte, Randazzo , Castiglione, Regalbuto, Centorbi, and other villages saw him, felt the pressure of his mighty hand, yelled back: Beast! but no one dared move "

( Cesare Abba, From Fourth al Volturno. Noterelle of a Thousand )

The Sicilian reality is again the center of the story collection "Tales Rusticana", published in 1883.
Social classes are put in comparison to last FREEDOM '. In the novel tells a historical episode, which occurred in the 186th in Bronte, a town on the slopes of Etna, on the occasion of Garibaldi's Expedition of the Thousand. The starving peasants, following a proclamation of the commander and interpreted in the light of their material interests, rebelled against the rich landowners and massacred. There was a crackdown by the same forces of Garibaldi.
freedom mentioned in the title (with bitter irony) is a concept by no means unique, as it is loaded with features viaq via different and even opposite, depending on the perspective of people who use the termine.Da exultant cry urging the reversal of power relationships, it becomes synonymous with the first of equitable distribution of wealth and then to revolution and bloodshed.
has done much to discuss that Verga did not manifest any relief in this story critical of the work of Bixio: there is no mention, for example, the fact that among the shot there was actually a democratic patriot, antiborbonico and filogaribaldino, the lawyer Lombardo.Nessuna shadow seems to tarnish the reputation of Bixio and his conduct on that occasion, the historical facts of the story are presented through the filter of training renaissance author, focusing on the myth of Garibaldi 's national unification.

The uprising is expressed with ferocity and violence , then take over the heel and uncertainty.
The violence of the people is represented by Verga as a sort of natural element, the focus of the narrator puts out expressionistically primitività.La the violence that is exercised generally from top to bottom, it seems to reverse a moment his direction, but the social hierarchy of ever again impose itself by force of this order naturale.proprio the useless violence, and any attempt to change of the tragic sense of the event was born: "all others in the country were back to doing what they did before "to prisoners" now no longer thought of "the peasants talk back to" quietly about their business with honest people. " The punch line sums up the failure of the coal of the crowd to understand and control events in which he stars, a theme, this fondamentrale whole story.
B) The figure of Nino Bixio.
C) The Sicilian society in the middle dell’Ottocento
Geografia      LaSicilia orientale e il catanese.
Italiano      Lanovella Libertà di Giovanni Verga.


1. Scrivete un breve commento (15-20 righe) sul modo in cui Verga racconta la sommossa 

2. Individuate nel testo  i passi nei quali emerge la primitività of popular violence, the lack of content and design of the revolt, the fatal necessity of the return order.

3. Try to draw up, in a text of 15 lines, your interpretation of a story framed within the social pessimism of Verga.

Good job!

Tenpin Bowling Grantham

PMW-F3 on tour

Sony ha fissato una serie di eventi per presentare la nuova PMW-F3 , interessante "cinecorder" dotato di sensore Super 35mmm e predisposto per ottiche con attacco PL.
Al momento sono previste date a Bologna, Milano e Firenze (rispettivamente 17, 22 e 25 Febbraio 2011), ma immagino che ce ne saranno altre. Qui trovate il calendario degli eventi e la possibilità di registrarsi.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Honda Crf Decal Templates

Happy Valentine at all! Before you know Ale, at the thought of this holiday, I shuddered a bit ... 'because I was dying of envy seeing my friends flooded with bouquets of red roses, dinner invitations, boxes of chocolates ... and I NEVER nothing, nada, nisba the ... ugly duckling if no spinning! L Then came the Great Love for me and then February 14 is meaningful, and I love him Ale all year but I like to celebrate this day with something special. I hope the thought that I'll take you home tonight My love I like and why not, I moved a little '...
enjoyed this risotto, which is both Valentine's Day!

Ingredients for 4:

350 grams of rice Carnaroli
250 grams of butter to taste strawberries

dry white wine 1 shallot broth

chilli salt, pepper

In a saucepan, melt a bit 'of butter and add finely chopped shallots, then add the rice, toast, sprinkle with the wine and let evaporate. Cook the broth gradually wetting the rice absorbs it. Mettete da parte alcune fragole intere, tagliate a pezzettini le altre e unitele al risotto a metà cottura. Quando è quasi pronto aggiustate di sale e pepe e cospargete con del peperoncino (c’è chi mette anche della panna fresca, io personalmente non lo faccio). Servite con amore, guarnendo con le fragole intere. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cellulitis Mount Braces


Era da un po’ che volevo fare questo polpettone; la ricetta è di Elisa, mia cognata! Avevo nel freezer ancora un sacchetto di funghi prataioli raccolti da papà Mario lo scorso novembre. La ricetta originale provides for mushrooms, but I this time I had to "disobey" ;-) ... I do not dare imagine what would be even better this meatloaf with a nice fresh porcini, but unfortunately sometimes I have to be content!


450 grams of raw ground meat
2 slices of bread soaked in milk and squeezed

80 grams of grated parmesan cheese 2 eggs (I put only one)
60 grams of mushrooms (I I had 200 grams, more than I used them as a side dish)

30 g butter 1 clove garlic

breadcrumbs salt & pepper to taste

In a pan fry the garlic in the butter and add the chopped mushrooms, cook for about 15 minutes and then adjusted to taste. Place soaked bread in a blender and squeezed and mushrooms, and add this mixture to ground beef and mix together with eggs and parmesan cheese. Grease a sheet of aluminum and pour over the bread crumbs; distribute well throughout the sheet, place then the mixture of minced meat and wrap well, giving the shape of a salamotto; help with kitchen twine, closing the ends (as if was a big candy). Place the meatloaf in a loaf pan and bake at 190 ° C for about 45 minutes.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Kenny's Soul Trapped In Cartman's Body

Questionnaire self

1.Perchè Verga had planned to write the "cycle" of the vanquished?
2.Ripercorri the main characteristics of naturalism, showing the reason for the romance cycles, especially in Zola (Zola to be considered a reference model).
3.What are the most important features, themes and styles present in Malavoglia?
4.Why Malavoglia the novel has been called a "chorus"?
5.What do we mean by "perfect oyster" Which character in the novel embodies why?
6.Perchè Malavoglia are the losers?
delineates the differences that exist between the macroscopic and Malavoglia Mastro Don Gesualdo.

vd. Lectures on Verga


1) By the end of the cycle is indicated Won all novels which would be composed of a challenging project of literature the writer Giovanni Verga. To form the body of this cycle should have be a group of five novels in defining theme: The Malavoglia

§ § § Mastro-don Gesualdo
The Duchess de Leyra
§ § Mr Man luxury
The entire series, according to the original design of the writer, should have been a common theme and common denominator of universal dell'indiscussa one man's struggle for existence and progress. The complete work will remain unfinished as the Duchess de Leyra is only sketched, while the last two novels under the Cycle, The Honourable Man Scipioni and luxury, will not even be started.
2) By analyzing the work of Flaubert (follower of Balzac), Zola confirmed the general outlines of the naturalist novel: The first character is an exact reproduction of life, the essence of each element of romance is absent even any type of crossing, even the most simple. The second character is the disappearance of the heroic figure, attributed to a human scale, to the physiological reality of a life policy. The beauty of the work derives from the truth of the facts and documents, the painting where the artist lets talk about real things, to live independently, without overlapping them. The third character is the writer who "pretends to disappear behind the action that tells. The author is not a moralist, but an anatomist who just says what is in the body human.
3) The main theme is that of pessimism and the "stream of progress" ... the Malavoglia the novel is part of the so-called cycle of the losers (in order from the compound Malavoglia Mastro Don Gesualdo, the Duchess of Leyre, l ' Mr Scipioni, the Man of luxury, which was actually completed only the first 2). Verga in them investigating the mechanisms that govern life in the countryside as in cities that are based on the law of the strongest, on the calculation, the interest on the worship of money, mechanisms carried by the progress so revered in this period in absolute faith in science rod which he lived ... But instead of dwelling on the characters that take advantage of progress, focuses its attention on " vittime" di esso, e per spiegare i meccanismi della vità sociale parte dalle classi più basse dove sono più semplici, per arrivare poi gradualmente a quelle più alte (vedi i titoli degli altri romanzi...).
Il tema principale è questo, legato alla visione pessimistica del mondo dell'autore, secondo cui queste leggi sono immodificabili...per cui si mette in evidenza il conflitto tra il mondo antico e quello che segue l'Unità d'Italia, incarnato dal conflitto ntoni-padron ntoni, la cattiveria dei personaggi secondari, che non comprendono la dignità e l'onore della famiglia malavoglia che anzi è spesso presa in giro...sono temi che si ritrovano anche nelle novelle. 

The novel tells the story of a family of fishermen who lives and works in Aci Trezza, a small town in Sicily located near Catania. The novel looks
choral and represents the characters united by the same culture, but divided by ancient rivalries.
The writer adopts the technique of impersonality, reproducing some features of the dialect and adapting as much as possible to the point of view of different characters, giving up the usual mediation of the narrator.
main themes: family

Giovanni Verga back over and over again on a theme: that of attachment to family, home, the house, it is easy to understand, then, the feelings of bitterness and pain of those forced to sell their homes to pay debts of an unfortunate affair, as is the case Malavoglia. The stuff

attachment to the stuff, then, is the main theme of the entire novel, which means to stuff the whole set of objects, be they buildings, parcels, vehicles, animals, needed to live. Here, then, demonstrated the inability to detach from their environment.
about the style of Giovanni Verga should be noted the high frequency of the dialogues and the use of a period readable dissolved. Direct speech and indirect are often mixed and the author takes possession of the language even more directly so direct, sincere and humble people of color.

4) In short it would be a novel written with the perspective of the people ... in fact the realist writers such as narrative technique, give up the omniscient point of view (that they know everything, is to add personal comments to make some revelation or prolepsis) to adopt the internal point of view, although not directly involved in the story, which is defined precisely choir (which reveals the ways of thinking and collective expression of the characters).
why anyone wants to go against Correne thoughts or the "laws" of the people is doomed to fail and be a "win" or rather a failure and in very reluctantly follows him Verga (mena = practical example, the eldest daughter, is considered a victory because, after the misfortunes happened to the family indulges in what might seem his destiny [to be an old maid forever] and does not change his social status by marrying Alfie, not to fall alttro disgrace over his sister already shamed by the people).
5) The ideal oyster that brings together the "humble" Verga's not born to be a breakthrough in their thinking, a philosophical speculation of high-level, not the result of free choice: it is a necessity dictated by a stubborn will to survive and fronted by an instinctive sense, the oyster is attached to the rock but if you come off being swallowed by bigger fish to refer this to the fact that the man who defies society is lost and swallowed up by it .. so reluctantly in those who have tried to win the company trying to become rich have lost everything ... reasoning is very important that will affect many writers italiani.Nei Ntoni reluctantly tries to change their reality, leaving aside the business that has allowed his family to survive for so long and ended in ruin
6) As we have emphasized and Verga says the same as in the preface, the issue is addressed that the struggle for basic human needs, the theme of work and ceaseless effort to achieve results then destroyed by misfortune, the subject of vinti.Infatti are the 'expression of a deep pessimism, not redeemed by any vision of the afterlife not supported by any religion, by any hope of redemption: a bad sign of devotion to suffer in a world of outcasts, which are the most authentic aspect of human existence, which are subject to an "inevitable" that forces them to role of "losers", whose dignity is only saved by the heroic tenacity to pull "life with his teeth as long as you can" and that sort of "religion of the home" that holds them together.

The main themes of Malavoglia are
-attachment to the stuff: Giovanni Verga resumed several times the economic discourse, even in family tragedies. For example, when Bastianazzo dies, the first and last thing he says is that the boat was laden with lupins: the economic factor is therefore very important. But Rod wants to emphasize the difference between the malice of the people and the family busy. Indeed it is the people to think that Padron 'Ntoni worry lupins, when it is afflicted the child. I Malavoglia per tutto il romanzo sono tesi a recuperare la condizione economica iniziale, o a migliorarla. L'economia del paese è chiusa e di tipo feudale: le classi sociali sono immobili e non è lasciata nessuna possibilità alla libera iniziativa (come dimostra l'investimento nei lupini avariati).
-Gli affetti familiari e le prime inquietudini per il benessere :Giovanni Verga torna più e più volte su un tema preciso: quello dell'attaccamento alla famiglia, al focolare domestico, alla casa; è facile comprendere, quindi, i sentimenti di amarezza e dolore di chi è costretto a vendere la propria abitazione per pagare i debiti di un affare sfortunato, come nel caso dei Malavoglia. Per i Malavoglia la "roba" consiste in Providence and in the house by the medlar tree. When both are lost, the family members feel they have lost the very roots of their existence. Only at the end of the novel, Alessi able to recover the house and with it the legacy of the past and the family affections.
- ideal oyster: do not try to change their situation otherwise ends badly, in fact according to Verga only those that fit can be saved.
The concept is based on the belief that the oyster for those who belong to the group of weak must remain clinging to the values \u200b\u200bof family, work, ancestral traditions, to prevent the world, namely the "voracious fish, they devour . In
Malavoglia Verga parla dell’ideale dell’ostrica che sostiene la povera gente.
Nel concetto dell'autore, finché i contadini, i braccianti, i pescatori vivono protetti dall'ambiente che li ha visti nascere e crescere, finché credono e rispettano i valori in cui hanno creduto e che hanno rispettato i loro padri, allora, anche se poveri, sono al sicuro. Il problema nasce quando cominciano a provare il desiderio del cambiamento, il desiderio di migliorare, di progredire. Come l’ostrica che vive sicura finché resta avvinghiata allo scoglio dov’è nata, così l’uomo di Verga vive sicuro finché non comincia ad avere smanie di miglioramento.
Nei malavoglia il personaggio che incarna l’ideale dell’ostrica è Ntoni che cerca di cambiare la propria realtà lasciando in disparte il commercio che ha consentito alla sua famiglia di sopravvivere per tanto tempo e si è ritrovato in rovina

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How Long Before Signs Of Food Poisoning Show


am a stunned! But how do you !?!?!?!? Mom I do venireeeeeeee nerves! Damn, I follow the letter of this wonderful recipe Cinzia ... produces the pancakes, wait patiently for it to cool a little, I cut it, taste it and say to myself: "Good ... very good ... but something is missing ... THE PARMIIIIIIIIGIAAAAAAAAAANOOOOOOOO!! !!!!!!!!" SOTTONA! SOTTONA! SOTTONA I am! It will be okay for next time ... ... ... official

Back to us, my blog I might as well call it 'Kiara to discover the flavors. " Put your heart in pace che il gorgonzola non lo assaggerò mai poichè voglio rimanere nella mia ignoranza fino alla fine riguardo questo formaggio.... Piccola parentesi ;-). Comunque, la rucola fino all’altro giorno mi ha sempre fatto schifo. Assaggiata e riassaggiata non mi è mai piaciuta… come mai ora si?!? I misteri della vita!

Per la ricetta di questo gustosissimo plumcake, vi rimando al bellissimo blog di Cinzia, "Il Ricettario di Cinzia" … non ho cambiato una virgola, fuorchè l’omettere involontariamente il parmigiano… per fortuna c’è la pancetta che insaporisce il tutto! Molto buono lo stesso! Brava Cinzia, grazie!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Procedure Of Property Transfer In Dubai

The "Providence" is shipwrecked (I Malavoglia Chapter III)

 Fanno il punto sul brano 


 La Longa è la moglie di Bastianazzo ,la buona massaia.Si da da fare per contribuire al bilancio famigliare.La sua serenità svanisce con la morte prematura del marito e poi del figlio Luca,il dolore per queste perdite the premature aging and his life is shattered by a serious disease: cholera.
The country towards the misfortune of Maruzza behaves suspiciously, this can be understood from the behavior of gossip against him and his cousin Anna Piedipapera that was met with hands on belly, (a sign of misfortune, because the belly is a symbol of maternity) without saying anything, then you feel a sense of pity for the misfortune, by the country but also of Longa who takes refuge in the house.
Verga was the intention of the novel had to be a "sincere study" on a community of Sicilian fishermen, and a choral narrative, in the sense that the narrative voice loses its identity in order to multiply and confused voices of the people that make up the village community. Speaking in third person you put in a position outside the story, in fact we have no personal intervention by the author in the narrative, there is no spokesman for the characters but never lets you talk freely.
is a difference that corresponds to the personal conflict between Verga in the rational acceptance of the Darwinian principle in the struggle for life, with laws that guarantee the ruthless natural selection and emotional attraction towards an archaic reality of Sicily seems the repository of traditional values. Before that show the writer does not deve cedere alla pietà,perchè si tratta di un fenomeno naturale,né buono ,né cattivo.Può solo studiarlo e rappresentarlo in tutti i suoi aspetti.
I luoghi dove si svolge l'azione sono la macelleria,la chiesa ,la spiaggia,la sciare e nella casa del Nespolo dove vivevano i Malavoglia. 

Mery Pafumi
Maruzza la Longa, già nell'aver saputo ciò che era accaduto alla nave su cui si trovava suo marito,  rimane senza parole e  passa giornate intere senza parlare. Ma ecco che arriva la notizia tanto temuta; quella della morte di Bastianazzo, marito della Longa. Inizialmente lei non  understands and keeps repeating: "Oh Mary" until she learned the news with a cry of despair and puts his hands through his hair and is holed up at home. All
Maruzza the villagers saw her as a woman left alone with nothing, a poor woman who felt sorry for him and for punishment, the villagers were standing around, trying to comfort her as much as possible. This attitude towards him is also highlighted by the words used in the text: (poor, poor woman ..).
Verga's novel, is distinguished from others because of the technique used, because the writer never speaks in first person, but does talk all'imoersonalità tip the characters themselves, let the story unfolds by itself, through the point of view "inside" the characters.

The tendency to adapt the story as much as possible to the reality of the characters also affects the language, Verga chooses a particular language mix that blends the vocabulary of the language and the syntax of the national parliament.
the basis of its principles we see some Darwinian literary approach: obtain information about the materialistic view that human nature is united to that of animals and thus also its behavior is determined by basic instincts and needs. Verga denies the freedom of choice appears to him as each conditioned by two factors: the environment in which it is format with the laws that regulate it and inherited characteristics that determine their behavior. On this rests the iron law of natural selection, whereby the weak are bound to lose in the struggle for life than those that are most appropriate.
The sites are: the lava, Pizzuto's shop, the beach, Osteria, the butcher, the church, the balcony of the house Maruzza.

Maruzza: She is very quiet, reserved and sweet. You, as a good Sicilian woman, is not it intrudes in the affairs of men, but let me choose them every important decision. It shows a good wife ready to treat husband to mourn the departure and after his death. It is also sad for the children especially 'note and Mena. She first saw him and was sad when she realized that her son was "different", then burst into a crisis when he learned of the decision to 'go Ntoni of the family. We see it all his attachment to 'Ntoni when he has a last conversation with him last because there will be after the death of Maruzza. In this meeting the two characters are open and we see all their love ourselves and above what is stronger than the love of the will of rebellion. Even with Mena Maruzza has problems, in fact, during the engagement party Brasi between Mena and she is very happy but very soon became aware of that his happiness is useless. The daughter unfortunately was sick because she did not love Brasi, but Alfie, and his mother after he realizes the grave mistake they were committing, and fully shares the feelings and emotions of her daughter. Maruzza you never back to the duties, it easily gives the house by the medlar tree and helps everyone else in rehabilitating the economic conditions of the family.
ll "second player" of the novel is the whole country, composed of people united by a common culture but divided by ancient rivalries, guys who talk and mingle with each other, creating a choral effect that in the early chapters almost confuses the reader . Santuzza, the landlady, who symbolizes deception, Don Michael, the corrupt police sergeant, Don Sylvester, the secretary who runs like a puppet mayor, Alfio Moscow, Carter resigned to his fate as a worker, Bell Wood, a wealthy and avaricious ladies are some of the most important. Contrary to what one can also think of the donkey Alfio Moscow importance in the economy of the novel. This animal is the symbol of the vanquished, only the poor who must work to earn a pittance, "donkey meat - muttered 'Ntoni - that's what we are! Meat from work. "
The representation is based, naturalistic, on a precise documentation (historical, environmental and linguistics), but the writing, taken down inside the archaic values \u200b\u200bof that environment, it is not cold, and even offers an emotionally intense vision of that world. The writer is not directly participate, the realist canon of impersonality is achieved by giving the word a popular narrator, whose voice tends to coincide with that of the community, talking about it for chorale story, in which the protagonist is' entire community.
The narrative uses a mixture of original language, which blends into the structures of the average current syntactic forms of the Sicilian dialect and colloquial expressions, with results of narrative immediacy. Stylistic features
applicants in the novel are the free indirect discourse and the technique of estrangement, according to which aspects are presented as normal and usual strange, unusual.
Verga accept the rational Darwinian principle of struggle for life, with laws that guarantee the ruthless natural selection.
This concept of "struggle for life" that Verga had already used in the preface to the vanquished, and that was already present in the first draft of the cycle of novels, is derived from the application, commonly known as social Darwinism, some aspects of evolutionary theory Charles Darwin in the social field.
Darwin argued, in fact, echoing the argument of the economist Thomas Malthus, that between individuals there is a struggle continua per la sopravvivenza perché il numero degli organismi viventi è superiore a quello che può vivere con le risorse di cui si dispone.
A sopravvivere a questa lotta sono i più adatti alle condizioni di vita in cui si trovano che possono così trasmettere i loro caratteri ai discendenti con una naturale selezione.
I luoghi sono: la sciara, la bottega di Pizzuto, la spiaggia, L'osteria, la macelleria, la chiesa, il ballatoio della casa di Maruzza.

Maruzza la Longa apprende la morte del marito Bastianazzo attraverso i comportamenti insoliti dei paesani nei suoi confonti. Per esempio le comari mentre tornavano stopped by the tavern to trade a few words with her, a friend of her husband Bastianazzo, as it appears or will appear Mangiacarrubbe Cipolla, rising from the lava were going to ask her husband and did a little 'company. She frightened them unusual attention from those looking bewildered in the face and clutching his chest in the baby. Maruzza one day returning home he found a group who were waiting nearby. As they saw her from afar, Piedipapera godmother and cousin Anna came to meet with his hands on his belly (a gesture that indicates participation in disgrace from other mothers, because the belly is a symbol of maternity), saying nothing . Then she drove the nails in the hair with a desperate cry and ran to hole up at home.
The author recounts the event from the perspective of the characters and keeps eclipsed, as it falls on the same level of the characters so far as to imitate the forms of expression, their identification with the imaginary, giving up more than they know about the story being told.
Verga is influenced by the Darwinian prinicipi. He accepts the rational principle of the struggle for life, with laws that guarantee the ruthless natural selection.
The sites are: the lava, Pizzuto's shop, the beach, the inn, butchers, church

In Chap. III of "Malavoglia" we are witnessing the first death. The boat carrying the lupins Bastianazzo sinks and dies in a storm at sea. This death hits and sweeps the serenity of his wife La Longa (Maruzza). The places where it grows up are: lava, Pizzuto's shop, the beach, Osteria, the butcher, the church, the balcony of the house Maruzza. To reconstruct its economic and cultural-anthropological, linguistic and the fishing community of Aci-Trezza, the writer devoted to intensive work of collecting material on the traditions, customs, proverbs, using in particular the studies of the ethnographers Joseph Pitre and Santo Rapisarda. But beyond the materials that substantiate the texture of the novel, are other interesting aspects of Malavoglia. First of all, the eclipse of the author, narrator's identification with a community-rural archaic, the "chorus" of villagers-Aci Trezza, a new language, based sull'impasto of Italian with the Sicilian dialect, not recovered in its raw materiality but in its syntactic structure, in its idioms and proverbial phrases transposed into language. Verga Manzoni revisits the concept of language (which was likely to result in a Florentine style) in the direction of a modern regional Italian. He, according to In his own words, he was able to talk in this way the fishermen of Aci-Trezza with a "language that was intelligible to most Italians, she also managed" to describe the events as reflected in the hearts and minds of its characters "(L. Spitzer). On the basis of the beloved opera Zola and his positivist myth of progress, Verga noted as the dynamics behind this myth creates perpetrators and victims, winners and losers, according to a principle of natural selection called "Social Darwinism" . He too starts from the perspective of the vanquished, but, unlike Zola, does not believe in the myth of progress, and its radical pessimism leads him not to delude themselves about the possibilities of liberation and redemption of the lower classes. Verga's conception of reality is not only dramatic but essentially tragic. Under these convictions, it was not possible to give the novel that 'impression of cool and calm reflection "in Verga Capuana talked to in a letter dated 1879.
Marco Siracusano

Maruzza the Longa, Bastianazzo wife, anxious for your trip that is bound to make her husband, so much so that he can not sit still for a moment, he realizes be a widow by the behavior of people in the country against him. People do not talk of nothing but the load of lupins padron 'Ntoni. The uproar that you create does nothing but enhance the mood of Maruzza, which learns the death of her husband when a group of women waiting at the door of the house, comes to her to comfort her. Some women in the group, holding her hands on her stomach, a gesture that indicates participation in disgrace from other mothers. The reaction is plausible Maruzza with hands close to the hair ran into the house.
What upsets, is the reaction of some men in the face of such misfortune, many believed the deal padron 'Ntoni, and were concerned for their economic loss, rather than that of the two lives. The same master 'Ntoni, which closes itself to think about the business of lupine that should have guaranteed to the family if not a comfortable situation, at least security.
Verga focuses on the views of the characters, almost becoming a country. He keeps away from the role of the narrator and identifies herself in the forms of expression of the characters themselves. As if they were to tell him the story.

Verga is influenced by the Darwinian principle of rational struggle for life. Of course, accepting the laws dictated by natural selection, Darwin argued that to survive in this "fight" are the most suitable living conditions in which they occur. By changing their way of being based on various conditions, so that it can be transmitted to offspring with a natural selection ..

The places are the lava, Pizzuto's shop, the beach, Osteria, the butcher, the church