" After Bronte, Randazzo , Castiglione, Regalbuto, Centorbi, and other villages saw him, felt the pressure of his mighty hand, yelled back: Beast! but no one dared move " | |
The Sicilian reality is again the center of the story collection "Tales Rusticana", published in 1883.
Social classes are put in comparison to last FREEDOM '. In the novel tells a historical episode, which occurred in the 186th in Bronte, a town on the slopes of Etna, on the occasion of Garibaldi's Expedition of the Thousand. The starving peasants, following a proclamation of the commander and interpreted in the light of their material interests, rebelled against the rich landowners and massacred. There was a crackdown by the same forces of Garibaldi. freedom mentioned in the title (with bitter irony) is a concept by no means unique, as it is loaded with features viaq via different and even opposite, depending on the perspective of people who use the termine.Da exultant cry urging the reversal of power relationships, it becomes synonymous with the first of equitable distribution of wealth and then to revolution and bloodshed.
has done much to discuss that Verga did not manifest any relief in this story critical of the work of Bixio: there is no mention, for example, the fact that among the shot there was actually a democratic patriot, antiborbonico and filogaribaldino, the lawyer Lombardo.Nessuna shadow seems to tarnish the reputation of Bixio and his conduct on that occasion, the historical facts of the story are presented through the filter of training renaissance author, focusing on the myth of Garibaldi 's national unification.
The uprising is expressed with ferocity and violence , then take over the heel and uncertainty.
The violence of the people is represented by Verga as a sort of natural element, the focus of the narrator puts out expressionistically primitività.La the violence that is exercised generally from top to bottom, it seems to reverse a moment his direction, but the social hierarchy of ever again impose itself by force of this order naturale.proprio the useless violence, and any attempt to change of the tragic sense of the event was born: "all others in the country were back to doing what they did before "to prisoners" now no longer thought of "the peasants talk back to" quietly about their business with honest people. " The punch line sums up the failure of the coal of the crowd to understand and control events in which he stars, a theme, this fondamentrale whole story.
History A) the Thousand of Garibaldi.
B) The figure of Nino Bixio. C) The Sicilian society in the middle dell’Ottocento
Geografia LaSicilia orientale e il catanese.
Italiano Lanovella Libertà di Giovanni Verga.
1. Scrivete un breve commento (15-20 righe) sul modo in cui Verga racconta la sommossa
2. Individuate nel testo i passi nei quali emerge la primitività of popular violence, the lack of content and design of the revolt, the fatal necessity of the return order.
3. Try to draw up, in a text of 15 lines, your interpretation of a story framed within the social pessimism of Verga.
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