Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pole Mounts For Antennas


The other night, I and Ale, we went to visit Mark and Claudia, two of our dear friends with whom we have lived in the middle of the period the wedding (we got married after one month). Imagine that we were the last to still have to see their fantastic home movie! ... How many laughs and good memories! In onore di questo incontro ho pensato di preparare questa semplicissima torta, che avevo visto presentata già in altri blog e su diversi libri di cucina. Io ho seguito la ricetta che avevo stampato e raccolto tempo fa nel mio “ricettario”, tratta da GialloZafferano . Comunque la riporto qui di seguito:


Burro 100 gr

Cioccolato fondente di ottima qualità 200 gr
Farina 60 gr
Latte 3 cucchiai
Sale 1 pizzico
Uova medie 3
Sugar 150 gr

to powder: sugar vanilla icing

Tenerina To prepare the cake, chop the chocolate and put it to dissolve in a water bath until it becomes creamy and smooth. Cut the cold butter into cubes and add it slowly (2-3 cubes at a time) to the melted chocolate still on fire, taking care to soak it well before adding more. When you have dissolved all the butter, remove the pan from heat and let the mixture cool.

Meanwhile shelled eggs and place the egg yolks with half the sugar to mount: to beat well with a whisk or beaters of a food processor until mixture is light and fluffy.

always beating, add the chocolate and butter mixture to egg yolks and sugar together with the warm milk and flour: pour the cream into a large bowl.

Separately, the egg whites with a pinch of salt, add the remaining sugar and beat until it forms a compact white cream, then with a wooden spoon or spatula, gently incorporate the egg whites with sugar to the mixture of chocolate, stirring from bottom to top.

Grease and flour a 24 cm diameter cake tin and pour the mixture into the cake: Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes, then turn off il forno, e lasciate raffreddare la torta tenendo lo sportello del forno socchiuso. Una volta fredda, estraete la torta dallo stampo (con molta delicatezza e stando attenti a non romperla) ponetela su di un piatto da portata e cospargetela di zucchero a velo vanigliato.


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