Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Outers Universal Gun Cleaning Kit

Let us point up ..... .......

The novel can be divided into three parts, each of which may match a different point of view. The first day opens with a description of the popular uprising that expresses itself in cruelty and violence. There are three tumultuous narrative sequences: the first, in a sort of "camp site", with multiple scenes of murder, acts of summary justice, as listed in the form of verdicts from the crowd shouted, are included, even if not justified, the narrator , since the punishment in respect of crimes committed from the privileged classes and their apparatus of power. The second, which closes at the scene of the hands that try in vain to parry the blows, and the third home of the Baroness, in a crescendo of violence. The second day is the core of the novel, before the arrival of Bixio to do justice. His arrival according to the forms of sentimentality and Garibaldi's Risorgimento, made his own ingenuous narrator popular Nino Bixio no longer looks like a good father, but as a rough, wild and wandering soldier. The sudden change in tone is due, rather than the narrator, the author himself, not unaware of certain behaviors coarse Bixio, disrespectful of the traditional values \u200b\u200bof village communities of Sicily. The third part of the story relates to events following the murder, possession of jailed rebels, until its closure three years later.
ability Verga's narrative stands out in its ability to tune the language to the characters . L 'excitement and drama of the uprising have become reconciled through rhythm and broken by the syntax: very short sentences, direct speech of characters in the form and exclamatory interrogative. The events of the evening and the next two days are represented in a more peaceful, thanks to the use of the ellipsis. In the end, the pace syntactic wants to make sense of the length of waiting del processo e il clima di rassegnazione che lo circonda. Alla progressiva attenuazione della drammaticità della novella corrisponde un’accelerazione della velocità narrativa: mentre la strage è raccontata attraverso un’accavallarsi di scene che danno al lettore l’impressione di assistere alla rivolta in tempo reale, i fatti successivi sono riassunti in sommari che abbracciano durate via via più ampie fino alla brevissima scena finale della lettura della sentenza, suggellata dalla battuta del carbonaio. Proprio questa battuta del carbonaio spiega il significato amaramente ironico del titolo della novella: “la libertà” è, per il conservatore Verga un valore assunto, da confondere con la concessione della terra farmers, otherwise freedom becomes dangerous to the state, which is pushed to the brink of anarchy for the same masses, which are dragged to ruin. The only possible system is in force: unnecessary and catastrophic for all and any attempt to change their social status. It is the bitter and cruel confirmation of the 'perfect oyster "the only salvation seems to be to cling to their origin as its oyster reef. Verga accentuates its materialistic pessimism, finally putting aside the illusion of a possible persistence of ideals and values \u200b\u200bstaring with cold, analytical look at the reality devastated by the only logic is able to survive: that of the economic benefit of the individual, ie, a term he himself used that stuff. The struggle for life that leaves no room for the affirmation of self-interest in a war without winners. This development coincides with the radicalization of conservatism, which would entail the right historical perspective of the reformist, who had been close, to fall back on reactionary positions. If in the earlier novels was possible to speak of a religion of the family, here is the only recognized religion of the stuff. But the furious struggle for the acquisition of material goods is both meaningless and therefore unable to justify the ferocity that breaks out between the men. Exactly the futility of efforts by men to combat this state of affairs stands in full in this story, in which the reconstruction of the popular insurrection in the country before the arrival of Garibaldi Bronte becomes the occasion to show the ferocity of the poor people and to condemn any possibility of social transformation, emphasizing the need for hierarchies and privileges of a society essentially unchangeable.

1-2)La novella si ispira ad un fatto realmente accaduto. A Bronte, un paese non lontano da Catania, nei giorni dal 2 al 5 agosto 1860 la popolazione, formata in gran parte da poveri contadini, si sollevò contro i locali proprietari terrieri.
Il periodo storico è quello della spedizione dei Mille in Sicilia, al comando di Garibaldi e Nino Bixio. Dopo la caduta del governo borbonico, c'erano stati vari proclami rivoluzionari, secondo i quali la terra, già di proprietà di pochi galantuomini (così venivano detti i proprietari terrieri), doveva essere distribuita ai capifamiglia contadini.
Queste le ragioni della rivolta, quindi: le condizioni miserevoli dei contadini, la fame, il desiderio di «libertà» from slavery and misery.
Also keep in mind that the Sicilian population, largely helped Garibaldi and the Thousand in the victorious war against the Bourbons, because they saw in this the possibility of improving their living conditions.
The revolt of Bronte was bloody, and ended in a terrible massacre. He was personally suppressed by Nino Bixio, who had shot some of the rioters (sometimes, as in these circumstances, taking almost at random those who were to be executed). The others were convicted and jailed for life.
Verga report the exact history with his dramatic content. Describes the killings, the psychology of the mob, drama.
Note, for example, the use of comparisons taken from nature: the rebels are like a "stream" as the "flood of the river," and sweep away everything now, without realizing what they do.
After the madness and end the slaughter, the day the door stands a strange calm and full of fears that come and shoot the soldiers are greeted almost with a sense of liberation, the tragedy that has consumed has left everyone amazed and altered .
the end, everything is as before: the "lords" in their place, the poor farmers even poorer.
The tragedy has ended, and is not served at all. Only those convicted will continue to wonder why, shouting that they wanted only "the libertà».
E un mondo senza speranza, che neppure la vittoria garibaldina ed il cambio di Re riescono a mutare.

L'atteggiamento di Verga ha fatto molto discutere perchè non manifesta in questa novella alcun rilievo critico nei confronti del'operato di Bixio:non si accenna, per esempio, al fatto che tra i fucilati ci fosse in realtà anche un patriota democratico, l'avvocato Lombardo.Occorre tuttavia mantenere distinte le posizioni del narratore da quelle dell'autore.La violenza del popolo viene rappresentata da Verga come una sorta di elemento della natura, la focalizzazione del narratore ne mette in evidenza espressionisticamente la primitività. La violenza, che si esercita in genere dall'alto down for a moment seems to reverse its direction, but the social hierarchy of ever again impose itself by force of the natural order.

The novel "Freedom" is part of Verga's stories rusticana and is inspired by the massacre of Bronte in 1860.
The "Freedom" is the most significant example of the news that Rod wrote inspired by the clash between opposing classes and the perpetual violence of their relationship. In various parts of the story is matched by a historic moment and a point of view.
" Freedom "is a title bitterly ironic, because the whole story starts from a given the freedom to build, while this is not achieved and at the end of the novel after several years that the rioters were in jail, one of those who came out said, "But if I had said that there was freedom. "
The first part has as its timing Saturday, August 4 in which the revolt against the "gentry" explodes in all its violence and ferocity. Shown here is the view of some of the people who said in a crescendo of excitement and violence. Everything looks right and can be the desire of economic and social equality that the thirst for revenge against the ruling class to centralize wealth and power. In the central part
The novel describes the events of Sunday, August 5, it reinforces the vision of freedom as the equitable distribution of land and it reflected a more utilitarian and individualistic vision of the facts.
The third part is divided into a period of three years, the arrival of Garibaldi's issue of the Court of Appeal against the rioters. Here Verga does prevail bourgeois point of view, "freedom" means only violence and disturbance of the established order. The events run slowly, with an increasing lack of interest, while the accused are taken from the fatalism of those who can not explain the reasons for its defeat.
the bloody uprising remains so only the suffering of the accused, as life returns to flow as before. Everything remains the same, everything was useless.
whole song is characterized by its expressive technique of Verga, namely the 'impersonality which sees the film as coming from the voice of the people, by the paths of the country where it takes place. At the same time, reflected the conservatism of the 'author, who suggests a story in which the Sicilian peasants fail for various reasons to implement a reversal of their social conditions, even when they act with force.

Marco Siracusano
The "Freedom" by Verga, inspired by a true story. We are located in Bronte in 1860.
exactly what develops in the novel, is the action taken by the population of the lower classes against the gentlemen, arose out of feelings of anger grown a bit 'forever. This story is one of the most important works that highlights the serious conflicts between the different social classes. The characters in this story are just common people, ie all those who took part in the revolt. The mass, driven by partisan treason in those days of summer blows a bloody massacre by targeting the 'hats' that representatives of high society do things that perhaps would never have achieved alone, but, driven by the euphoria of those moments, are drawn in large numbers. The people of Bronte is similar in some respects to that Manzoni Milan in moments of bread riots, because of the common aspects dictated by a desperate situation which oppresses and the end is the only outlet to the insurgency. All of this lies in some respects an ignorance of the people, who can not resolve some issues with the intellect.
Rod makes reference to a specific place or country of Bronte where you play the facts of the story, and a city in which the process is carried out to insurgents.
The time frame of the revolt is well defined: it takes place in a period of about three days, seems rather indefinite period of trials.
Verga showcases its most bloody and violent revolt. The images that are being donated to lead us to that time, almost making us part of the mass. The killing scenes are described by short phrases spoken by the populace here and there, but can make us well understand what is happening. You can divide into three main events. The first day is characterized by the first acts of violence carried out initially on the street, under the eyes of all. It is as if the angry mob was trying to be seen in the most kidnapped possible. Moving then to the house of the baroness. The second day opens with a scene of country completely empty. The church bells do not sound even if it's Sunday, and there's no way. When the crowd can gather, the people trying in vain to divide the land. It is precisely at this time that they miss the upper classes: it is missing the figure of the parish priests in charge of the spiritual life of men, and the various officials dealing with the bureaucracy. The third part, however, is more dispersed as it develops over a longer time. the arrival of Garibaldi's issue of the Court of Appeal against the rioters.
Of the various events of the revolt, it remains only a strong sense of suffering by the accused. He has not changed anything, and life starts to flow as before.

Freedom of rusticana this story is a unique concept at all, it is loaded functions increasingly different and even opposite, depending on the perspective of people who use the termine.Da exultant cry that urges the reversal of power relationships, it becomes synonymous with the first of equitable distribution of wealth and then to revolution and carnage with aspects of irrational and disorganization. it is full of episodes cruel, murderous and we talk about children, women and innocent men, both rich and poor, dying. In my opinion, poor people, was wrong to attack the nobility, because it has got nothing, but only killed people. Verga presents the story in all its drama, with bleak, harsh words and expressions realistic documenting the horrors done in the name of freedom, also intends to emphasize the violence of the peasants. It is the story of the "losers", those who rebel against the ruling class without having the opportunity and the ability to change much of their misery. Even the much-vaunted "freedom", which gives the novel its title, ends with the result false and illusory, however, applies only to alcuni. Io penso che la libertà indica l'essere libero, la condizione di chi non è prigioniero e non ha restrizioni, ma è anche la facoltà dell'uomo di agire e di pensare in piena autonomia.
Per me, questa novella è stupenda, ti fa riflettere sul valore della libertà e immaginare le scene, come se fossi io stessa a guardare.
L’unico svantaggio che ho riscontrato durante la lettura di questo breve racconto è che il lessico e il modo di scrivere sono complessi. La non definizione dei luoghi e dei temp ,come l'assenza di una presentazione degli antefatti della vicenda,si può spiegare con l'intenzione di mettere il lettore"faccia a faccia col fatto nudo e schietto",catapultando fin da dalle prime parole,senza any mediation by the narrator, in the middle of the action. The absence of a filter does not select a character from the narrative that the narrator does not select a single player to center stage, but staged a collective indefinite ("tumbler ....
began to play ... .. ") leaving the doctor with the task of identifying the features from his actions: if single figures at times emerge through rapid zoom film (" a witch "line 8," a lame brat "line 19," the woodcutter "righe47-48), they disappear immediately absorbed by the masses. The social pessimism rod I agree with the obvious pianto dei rivoltosi,questo significa che loro sanno che non cambieranno mai,dimostrazione di un pentimento che nasce dalla consapevolezza della loro situazione di inferiorità nei confronti di alcune classi sociali che l'anno sempre controllati e che hanno dettato le regole fino ad allora . La fine della novella è una mediazione perchè i contadini hanno bisogno dei padroni e viceversa, quindi traspare il conservatorismo dell'autore. Verga propone una storia in cui i contadini siciliani non riescono ,per vari motivi a ribaltare le loro condizioni ,neppure quando agiscono con la forza.


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