Pirandello is larger than the twentieth-century Italian playwright: conspevolezzadella for the identity crisis of man in society modernae for the novelty of his work that upsets the tradizionalitecniche teatro.Ma expression of his non-involvement clamoriavanguardistici D'Annunzio and the early twentieth century Italian gliconsentì to achieve fame until much later, when the war did lacrisi ripe because suomessaggio could be understood.
produzionenarrativa Since its first issue that emerges gradually deepened, caratterizzatutta his work at the same time expresses his worldview: ilsentimento the tragic condition of man convicted allasconfitta the inability to communicate with others and if diconoscere stesso.A confirm and explain this condition disperatasi added: sentmento the contrast between illusion and reality, as man is obliged to accept a form which, however peresisterela proves illusory than alcontinuo flow of life, the feeling of casualitàdella life, which takes place in a world devoid of values \u200b\u200band certezzegovernato by an absolute relativity.
The characters in P. In fact sonoquasi always the life of the petty bourgeois petty soffocatidalle social conventions, to which they fit with passivainconsapevolezza.Ma sometimes revealing an unsuspected divivere should they become aware and react by gestiapparentemente bizarre , but if there is no outlet valve nonnella liberating of insanity or resignation dolentee aware.
In aprofessore ordinary course of a competition, write an essay, Humor (1908) checompendia his poetry.
Humor chiavedi is the access of the whole literary system Pirandello. Laprima hand, while most academic-related occasion, èfondamentale for his attempt to settle the poeticapirandelliana expressed in the second part, first aun'interpretazione literary history and criticism, and then un'esteticache is connected to the result of an epistemology a new modelloantropologico (based the contradictions, the co-degliopposti). Developing the first link, Pirandello individuavauna misunderstood line of literary tradition, then studied daMichail Bakhtin. Playing the second, he walked to a camminoparallelo to Henri Bergson and Sigmund Freud (who, iniziosecolo, had also dedicated studies, with strong values \u200b\u200besteticheed epistemological, rice and comic) and anticipated in the bi-logicadell'epistemologia psychoanalytic background of Ignacio Matte Blanco.
Pirandello called "Comedian" 's "contrary tdel warning": warning of dissonance omitting the substance and forms causes riso.Ma passaredall'avvertimento if we can get the "feeling to the contrary, if riusciamocioè to think beyond the appearance to guardaenell'interiorità man then turns inpianto.Celebre rice is an example of the old lady "goffamenteimbellettata parade of dresses and youth" that moves the dellettore rice, which she felt in the contrariodi as an old doverebbeacconciare signora.Ma if he reflects on perchèella so cruelly deceive herself in tentativomagari to keep a husband younger than herself, here cheperverrà the "feeling of contario" and the rice will give way to pity.
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