(21 01 2011)
Foto di: Massimiliano Nespola
Idee aggiornate sull'integrazione europea, ne parla un nuovo volume. Al centro il tema della necessità della Costituzione per il Continente, una sfida che con il tempo si vincerà
Il processo di integrazione europea va forward slowly. The publications on this subject is very vast and 20 January 2011 the Faculty of Political Science of Wisdom has devoted several hours to the presentation of the book "Europe 2.0. Prospects and developments in the European dream . The book looks at the issue from the perspective of legal, political, social and communicative. This is a series of essays that consider the timeliness of the material for the community of states, initially 6 and 27 today, members of the European Community. Why 2.0 ? Read
Today, Europe is no longer just that. Indeed, as the prof. Fulco Lanchester, the crisis as the present one, opening prospects for further growth and establishment of the European political process. Europe, opposed by nationalist forces and supported by the "beautiful souls" who have cultivated the dream of a continent endowed with its own power and political autonomy, is now a necessity. So if you want to defend the achievements of the social model became established in different states, because if you still want to have defenses against the encroachment of markets and finance, the continent needs a Constitution. How and when this happens in full and complete sense remains a question still open, because Europe has its own institutional structure, but it is still only partially able to make his presence felt to the people. Over the years, however, just before the delicate situation socio - economic international, has increased its standing. Compared to 2005, the year of rejection of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe in Francia e Olanda, si sono avuti passi in avanti, con la semplificazione della sua architettura nella sintesi del Trattato di Lisbona, in vigore dal 2008. Questo Trattato porta alcuni passi in avanti sul tema della trasparenza e dei meccanismi di funzionamento interno, per esempio con l'istituzione dell'Alto Rappresentante per la Politica Estera e di Sicurezza Comune. Ma per funzionare in senso pieno, l'Europa, secondo l'opinione di molti autori del volume, tra cui Luciana Castellina , ha bisogno di non essere più solo un mercato, ma di avere capacità di governo, partendo dalla valorizzazione della sua identità. Gli studiosi hanno il compito di registrare i passi in avanti di questo processo, a partire by which change daily and is concerned that seems to be fully understood as a source of vitality. For
as evidenced by the conference in question, Europe seems to have a capacity to learn from your mistakes and move on, though with slow and among many vetoes. Not everyone agrees on the lines laid down by institutions may be too centered on Brussels and less present in European capitals. However, as already stated Valéry Giscard D'Estaing , there will come a great one-act and founder, for a Europe constitutionalized and able to respond effectively to the challenges of globalization, against which the structure of the nation state appears in via di sbriciolamento. La difesa rispetto ad una deriva che può portare gli Stati membri ad essere troppo deboli rispetto alle forze globali in gioco è proprio nell'integrazione tra di loro. Altrimenti, si sarà del tutto incapaci di controbilanciare il peso di superpotenze come la Russia, la Cina, gli Stati Uniti e gli equilibri planetari potranno risentirne.
Che interesse può avere questo tema per chi si occupa di comunicazione ? Un interesse prioritario. L'Europa gioca la sua partita comunicativa non solo in ambito giornalistico, ma soprattutto tra i suoi cittadini, per la conoscenza di quanto si verifica in Europa e di quali ne siano i vantaggi. Può essere utile sapere che la comunicazione sul theme abound, but often are not aware of the breadth of initiatives that Europe offers. Communicating Europe is often de-territorialization and question styles routine information, because their principal characteristic is that of the emergency. Due to these peculiarities is certainly a subject whose study will lead to new discoveries in the field of communication. For example, given the constitutional process, it will be interesting to see, over time, as citizens will have helped, right-side communication, to build a Europe with debate and dialogue . If this search has yielded positive results from the point of view of the ability of citizens to make a significant contribution, it means not just to tow the lobby European decision-making. Otherwise, there will be a confirmation of the fact that Europe must be made more transparent and that has not yet reached its optimal level of functioning, only possible on condition that the population feels it is recognized and represented in European institutions.
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